How to feed a baby in 8 months?

The kid turned 8 months old. With each such a small birthday you celebrate more and more successes and care about making the menu more diverse. Let's talk about how to feed the baby in 8 months.

Consider two options for the menu, depending on whether the mother feeds the baby with breast milk now or not.

How to feed a baby at 8 months of breastfeeding?

At this time your baby has five meals a day. In the morning and evening, still feed only breast milk. If the child asks, keep feeding him at night. In addition, there are three more daily meals, during which we offer the baby various lures.

The menu for the day can be as follows:

Thus, after each feeding it is desirable to supplement the baby with breast milk.

This is an approximate menu and every day it can be different. For example, on Monday we give buckwheat porridge for breakfast, on Tuesday - a multi-grain gruel; in the afternoon we give mashed potatoes, the next day - a complex vegetable purée, etc.

How to feed a baby in 8 months on artificial feeding?

When planning the menu for an 8-month-old child, you need to be more careful that the baby receives all vitamins and trace elements with food. Novelties in nutrition can be fish, crackers, meat purees.

The approximate menu for a child on artificial feeding is similar to the above diet for children who are breastfeeding.

Morning and evening is a milk formula (up to 200 g for one feeding). During the day, the child's menu can be:

This is an approximate menu, the dishes in it can and should be alternated.

Please note that the feeding time in the menu is only indicative. Perhaps you and your baby will have a different diet, convenient and suitable for you. If you decide to introduce a new lure, but the child categorically refuses to eat, postpone a new dish for later. Try something else or leave the menu as before. It often happens that in a couple of months the child is already happy to eat something that he refused earlier. Thus, when deciding how to properly feed a child at 8 months, consider not only the recommendations of experts, but also your preferences with the baby.