What is symbiosis in psychology and what kinds of symbiosis are there?

All living beings on earth interact with each other in varying degrees. Some supplement each other, others live at the expense of others, and still others prefer to be alone. One of the ways of interrelation is symbiosis, which can be observed in different spheres of life.

Symbiosis - what is it?

The close interaction of living organisms, in which both partners or only one benefit from the other, is called symbiosis. Such relationships can take many forms, which depend on their nature, utility or harm. More often such term use in biology, describing interrelation of bacteria, plants and animals. Another symbiosis is the relationship between people , cultures and other spheres.

Symbiosis in psychology

The psychological state in which the contents of the personal unconscious of one person are experienced by another is called symbiosis. In such an alliance, all participants are completely dependent on each other. It should be noted that it arises and it is established between people easily, but it is not so easy to finish it. There is another variant of the meaning of this term, so symbiosis in psychology is the emerging emotional, semantic and psychological unity between a woman and her baby, which becomes the fulcrum for the further development of his consciousness and personality.


To understand the facts that can determine the presence of symbiotic relationships, it is best to consider the relationship between a man and a woman . Characteristics include the constant desire of a person to be close to a partner, which is manifested in total control. Psychological symbiosis means that a man or woman loses his or her identity, because they seek to live the life of another person.

What is common between symbiosis and parasitism?

Presented concepts have both common and distinctive features. Let's start with the fact that symbiosis and parasitism unite, so in both cases different organisms can perfectly exist together. As for the differences, the symbiotic contact personifies a mutually beneficial interaction for all participants, but with parasitism one organism lives at the expense of the other, bringing him some discomfort. It is possible to name still such symbiosis - nahlebnichestvo. Such an alliance can be applied to people, for example, when one person survives and develops due to the merits and work of another.

Kinds of symbiosis

There are several forms of such interaction and we will start with the most common classification.

  1. Mutualism is a common form of relationships, which is useful for each participant. In this case, the presence of a partner is a prerequisite for the existence of others.
  2. Commensalism . Finding out what symbiosis is, it is worthwhile to indicate one more form of such relations: commensalism, which is a kind of interaction in which one side benefits from relations, and the second is in a neutral position. What is parasitism already mentioned.
  3. Masochism . There are two other forms of symbiosis, so the first is called masochism, that is, submission. In this case, the masochistic person becomes part of another person. Such a spiritual symbiosis means that masochism never makes any decisions independently. The most common forms of masochistic manifestations are a feeling of inferiority and helplessness. The active form is called sadism and in this case one person seeks to turn the other into a part of himself.

Symbiosis in people's lives

The presented type of interaction can be traced not only between people, but also in other areas. Symbiosis in relationships is observed in different spheres of life, for example, in science, culture, technology and so on. In sociology this term describes the interaction between different social groups that have common interests. If we explain what a symbiosis is from an economic point of view, then so describe the union of business structures.

Symbiosis of man and woman

In relations between members of the opposite sex, a symbiotic union is the desire of one or both partners to establish emotional and semantic contact in a relationship. In simple words, this can be called a person's desire to be constantly next to the other half. There are a number of peculiarities in such relations:

  1. In most cases, such a relationship scenario does not lead to a happy ending and ends with all the loss of individuality and personality. Basically, the symbiosis of a man of one sex with another leads to great disappointment and a break in relations.
  2. People who consciously strive for symbiotic relationships, in most cases are vulnerable with different complexes. Being in a relationship, an addict always has a fear of losing his importance in the eyes of a partner, which in reality only aggravates the relationship. Such an alliance can be called a manifestation of dependence, which weighs on both partners. For a happy relationship between a man and a woman, it's important to have your own space.
  3. Sexual symbiosis is almost always a plus for relationships.
  4. If a man aspires to a symbiotic relationship in a couple, he is more demanding and more directive. He makes efforts, wishing to remake his chosen one for himself.
  5. Symbiosis is difficult to call a sincere affinity and sincere love, which is initially sought by some people. It is worth mentioning that the romantic type of symbiotic relationship is more typical for men.

Symbiosis of science and religion

Interest in the topic relating to the interaction of science and religion has always existed. There are several examples in history when attempts were made to link these two concepts. Faith people use in a situation where there is no way to explain something because of the lack of scientific evidence. People who conduct research in this area argue that mutual symbiosis is impossible, because there is nothing common between religion and faith, it is a system of knowledge that does not allow any changes.

The problem lies in a principled approach to the use of these spheres, so science implies carrying out experiments, putting forward hypotheses and many things still remain unknowable. As for religion, here, the main thing is faith. It should be noted that it is not always possible to separate knowledge of religion and science, for example, many religious trends often use logic and experience.

Symbiosis of man and computer

Technical progress does not stand still and numerous inventions have already become a part of people's lives. Every day, people use different computer technologies, simplifying their lives and improving their quality. The concept of symbiosis in such an interaction is quite acceptable. In today's world to get almost any information you just need to turn on the computer and go online. As a result, the interaction of the human brain and technology gives a chance to "work miracles." Assumptions that soon computers will acquire consciousness, every year is all realistic.

Cultural symbiosis

Numerous countries can boast of their unique culture: traditions, architecture, art, religion and so on. Every nation can make its own unique contribution to world development. For many years, the countries were able to maintain their individuality, but thanks to progress a symbiosis of cultures arose, which became possible due to the fact that people can easily travel to different parts of the world. Contributed to the confusion of national characteristics of television and the Internet.

If we talk about the countries of the former USSR, then after the fall of the Iron Curtain, many exotic and unusual things, and the traditions of Western countries began to spread with great speed. This includes unfamiliar for Slavic people holidays, for example, Valentine's Day, which has become very popular. Finding out what a cultural symbiosis is, it is worth mentioning the popularity of different national cuisines, for example, restaurants of Italian, Chinese, Indian and other cuisine are widely distributed. All this speaks for the fusion of the traditions of different countries.