Multifollicular ovaries - how to get pregnant?

What to do when the diagnosis is "multifolllicular ovaries"? The very first thing is that you do not need to panic and be confused with polycystosis - when a large number of follicles also ripens simultaneously. And therefore, sometimes they are difficult to distinguish from each other. If multifolllicular ovaries, most often, are a variant of the norm, then polycystosis is a disease that requires compulsory treatment and observation of the gynecologist. These are two absolutely different concepts, both in nature and in their effect on the childbearing function.

So, how to get pregnant if the diagnosis is "multifolllicular ovaries"? In most cases having a multifollicular structure of the ovaries can easily be conceived even without treatment.

What does it mean - multifollicular ovaries?

With the help of ultrasound, the doctor can see the following picture - the ovary is not changed in size, but there are about seven follicles of the same size - about 4-7 mm. In this case, blood tests show a normal hormonal background. With multifollicular structure of the ovaries, problems with menstruation practically do not arise - it is always regular. This condition is most often found in adolescent girls and in women who use the hormonal method of contraception.

Stresses, sharp jumps in weight, both in the positive and in the negative direction, the time when a woman breastfeeds - all this can cause an increase in the number of follicles. However, multifollicular ovaries and the consequences of this diagnosis do not cause a disorder of the menstrual cycle and infertility.

Side effects of multifolllicular ovaries

There is an opinion that multifolllicular ovaries and multiple pregnancies are practically synonymous. Once a lot of follicles ripen, then the probability of conception of several embryos is increased many times. Let's try to understand this in more detail in order to refute or confirm such a version.

With the multifollicular structure of the ovary, several follicles simultaneously mature and if there is ovulation in this cycle, then if there is a dominant follicle, fertilization will occur. What is a dominant follicle ? This is a follicle that completely ripens and eventually bursts, as it grows, it stands out from the background of others that are not destined to develop fully.

It happens that there are two or more dominant follicles, but this does not depend on multifallikulyarnosti. It is genetically incorporated or occurs under the influence of hormonal therapy. In some cases, women who have been diagnosed as "multifollular ovaries" do not undergo ovulation for several cycles. In this case, hormone therapy is performed for 6-12 months in order to cause ovulation. And it is in such cases that several follicles ripen at once, and fertilization of two or more oocytes occurs.

There is another case, when there is more than one dominant follicle, despite the fact that hormone therapy is not carried out. If ovulation is not present for some time, and then it spontaneously appears, then very often such a natural hormonal splash causes the appearance of several follicles.

Summarizing, it can be said that multifolllicular ovaries are not a verdict. If a woman does not plan a pregnancy, then no action is taken. If on the contrary, a woman wants to experience the joy of motherhood, then after the resumption of ovulation, she can safely become pregnant and bear the child. This will happen about six months after the start of treatment. You need to get a little patience and a worthy reward will not take long.