Polycystic ovary - how to identify and cure ailment to become pregnant?

Women often face a violation of the menstrual cycle . Reducing the volume of secretions, duration, regularity indicates a malfunction in the reproductive system. Let us consider in more detail such a disease as polycystic ovary, identify its causes, signs, measures of struggle.

Polycystic ovary - causes

First, it should be noted that polycystic ovary is a disease of the endocrine nature. It is associated with a violation of the secretory and reproductive function of the sexual glands. According to statistics, about 15% of women of reproductive age are found. To understand the cause of the disease, we will consider the mechanism of its development, briefly highlighting the physiological characteristics of the female gonads.

So, in the ovary of a healthy woman, 5-6 follicles, in which the sex cells are located, monthly ripen. But at the same time only one ripens and ovulates (bursts) completely. It directly contains the most viable egg. The rest under the influence of hormones undergo reverse development. In the case when the hormonal background is unstable, estrogen and androgen in excess, and little progesterone, the immature follicles do not resolve, but form cysts - cavities that are filled with liquid contents.

The situation is repeated every month. As a result, the ovaries are completely covered by cysts. Doctors for a long time study the nature of such a disease as polycystic ovary, the reasons for its development can not be established. Among the likely theories of the development of the disease, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Decreased susceptibility of tissues to the hormone insulin, which causes compensatory synthesis of its pancreas. As a result, female gonads intensively produce estrogens , which leads to suppression of the ovulatory process.
  2. Malfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, leading to impaired functioning of the reproductive system.
  3. Inflammatory process in the ovaries.
  4. Dysfunction of the adrenal glands that produce androgens.

In addition, the triggering mechanism for the development of pathology can be:

Polycystic ovary - symptoms

Often the signs of polycystic ovaries are hidden. Because of this, women turn to the doctor already with pronounced manifestations of the disorder, among which:

  1. Irregular menstrual cycle. With polycystic ovaries, frequent delays are recorded. In this case, the duration of the absence of menstrual discharge may be different, and depends on the severity of the disease, the degree of lesion of the sex glands. The average delay is from 2 weeks to several months.
  2. Chronic, painful sensations in the lower third of the abdomen, lumbar region and pelvis. The pain is not very pronounced, it has a non-permanent character.
  3. Increased secretion of sebaceous glands. Women note that the skin, hair on the head quickly become fat.
  4. Acne rash .
  5. Excessive hairy hands, the appearance of hair on the chin and chest. This is due to an increase in the concentration in the blood of male sex hormones.
  6. Rapid and significant increase in body weight. Adipose tissue deposits occur in the waist area due to a violation of the body's susceptibility to glucose, an increase in insulin levels in the blood.
  7. No change in basal temperature. The parameter becomes unchanged throughout the cycle, which confirms the absence of ovulation.
  8. Problems with conception.

Pain in polycystic ovary

Suspecting this disease, women often ask the gynecologist whether the ovaries are ill with polycystosis. The doctor responds to him in the affirmative, but warns that with small size of the formations, the pain may be absent. The majority of patients with a similar disease note aching tenderness in the lower abdomen, lower back. At the same time, the nature of the development of the pain syndrome is not fully understood. Doctors believe that the pain is provoked by excessive growth of the ovaries, which begin to put pressure on the pelvic organs.

Monthly with polycystosis of the ovaries

Talking about the symptoms of polycystic ovaries in women, doctors put the menstruation in the first place. The main reason for their delay in the disease is the decrease in the concentration of sex hormones. So necessary for the beginning follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones have a low concentration. The follicle does not fully ripen, does not develop - ovulation does not occur and there are no monthly ones.

The substances necessary for the second phase of the cycle are synthesized in insufficient quantities. Because of this, there is a delay in menstruation. It lasts from 14 days. At the expressed infringements, changes in sexual glands, monthly can be absent 2-3 months and more. Often, immediately delay becomes the reason for contacting a gynecologist, diagnosing the disease.

Diagnosis of polycystic ovary

The diagnosis of "polycystic ovary" is made on the basis of the results of the complex examination. It includes:

How to treat polycystic ovaries?

When making the diagnosis of "polycystic ovary", treatment begins with the elimination of the cause of its occurrence. The establishment of such is carried out by means of diagnostics. According to its results, an individual plan of therapeutic measures is developed, which include:

Can polycystic ovary be cured?

Doctors say that it is possible to cure polycystic ovary if the woman promptly seeks help. In this case, the treatment of such a disease is always long. Admission of hormonal drugs - at least six months. Periodically, it is necessary to repeat courses to maintain the level of hormones in the required concentration. But, as practice shows, it is not possible to completely get rid of the disease. Conducted therapy helps to minimize the manifestation of polycystic ovaries, to achieve the desired goal - to conceive a baby.

Polycystic ovary - treatment, preparations

As noted above, the basis of therapy is hormonal. Their selection is carried out individually, with a preliminary analysis. Among the common remedies worth noting Dyufaston - with polycystic ovaries is often prescribed. Except it it is used:

When there is a decrease in glucose tolerance, doctors prescribe glucose-lowering medications. Metformin in polycystic ovaries is used directly for this purpose. Dosage and frequency of reception are set individually. It lowers the concentration of insulin in the blood. As a result, the stimulating effect of this hormone on the sex glands decreases.

Vitaminotherapy is also often included in the complex treatment of such an ailment as polycystic ovary. It has been established that vitamins such as:

Polycystic ovary - treatment with folk remedies

The use of traditional medicine is an excellent complement to the main drug treatment. Before using them, consult a doctor. Among the effective in polycystosis, it is worthwhile to call these:

  1. Red brush. The medicinal plant restores the hormonal background. Reduces the concentration of male sex hormones. The red brush with polycystic ovaries is used in the form of:
  1. Boreal uterus. Medicinal plant used to treat gynecological diseases. Polycystic ovaries are treated with this plant as follows: to 80 grams of herbs, add 500 ml of vodka, insist 7 days, take half a teaspoon, before meals 3 times a day, drink 2 weeks.
  2. Liquorice root. Use in the form of infusion: 1 tablespoon table roots are poured 200 ml of boiling water, insist an hour, taken during the day, in small portions. The course of treatment is a month.

Diet for polycystic ovaries

Answering a question from patients concerning how to cure polycystic ovary, doctors point out the need to comply with prescriptions and directions. An important role in the disease plays a diet. In this case, doctors recommend eating foods with a low glycemic index:

Fruits should be present in the diet. Preference is given to:

When compiling a diet, the following rules are adhered to:

Laparoscopy for polycystic ovary

Operation with polycystic ovary is indicated with ineffective drug treatment. At its carrying out, physicians insist on fasting a six-month course of hormone therapy, which did not bring any result (the number of cysts increased, they became larger in size). Surgical intervention is performed by laparoscopic method. Advantages of this method are:

Polycystic ovary and pregnancy

With this disease, conception becomes a problem due to the lack of an ovulatory process. To normalize the cycle, a woman has to undergo a course of hormone therapy, which lasts up to 6 months. In the absence of effect, an operation is prescribed. Pregnancy after laparoscopy of the ovaries with polycystic disease occurs within 2-3 menstrual cycles (if there are no concomitant diseases).

Can I get pregnant with polycystic ovaries?

With polycystic ovaries, you can get pregnant only with strict adherence to prescribed therapy. It includes:

It should be borne in mind that polycystic ovary during pregnancy has already begun, can lead to complications:

How to get pregnant with polycystic ovaries?

Ovulation with polycystic ovaries becomes irregular. Because of this, all the actions of doctors are aimed at its stabilization. The woman remains completely to observe medical appointments, to take prescribed medications. In order to increase the chances of conception, it is necessary to set the date of ovulation with the help of special tests. Sex in this period will bring the long-awaited result.

IVF with polycystic ovary

Charter to fight the disease, women ask doctors about whether it is possible to do IVF in polycystic ovaries. The doctors respond in the affirmative. With in vitro fertilization, stimulation of ovulation is carried out - in polycystic ovaries it is absent. After this, an artificial insemination of the mature egg in the laboratory is performed. In the body of a woman they already plant a fertilized germ cell. Implantation comes and pregnancy begins. A pregnant woman is being monitored.