Kulesh - interesting recipes of an ancient dish

Kulesh is a recipe closely associated with the history of the Ukrainian people. Created by the Zaporozhye Cossacks, as the main camp meal, it is now popular. Simple products: salted pork lard, onions and millet, in demand as cheap components for "field" food, perfectly cope with the task quickly and nourishingly nourish in any setting.

How to cook a cook at home?

Traditional Ukrainian brew - kulesh, by popularity can be compared only with borsch and, like the latter, has different options. Tired in the cauldron under the open sky, he will not lose any of the properties in the house Kazanka. Kulesh, the recipe of which is based on satiety and simplicity, is prepared easily if you know the tricks and secrets.

  1. Before you cook the kulesh cook, prepare all the ingredients of the dish. The groats should be washed in several waters until clean, then pour steep boiling water to avoid bitterness.
  2. To weld millet is better separately and only ready to combine with other products.
  3. The main component - fat, is heated in a cast-iron container and a couple of minutes fried with onions.
  4. In a pot of boiling water, potatoes are laid, after softening it - croup, then pork roast and before serving - fragrant greens.

Kulesh from millet - recipe

Soup-kulesh with millet is a lean version of a hot brew. The scantiness of provisions forced the Cossacks to add roots, a little cereals, and there could be no question of meat additives. Given the lack of components, modest concoction turned out to be rich and satisfying. To create a vegetarian dish is possible within an hour, and rich portions will be liked by three eaters.



  1. Vegetables clean and grind.
  2. In the boiling liquid, put the spices, potatoes and celery root.
  3. Onions and carrots fry.
  4. Millet rinse and pour boiling water to eliminate bitterness.
  5. Drain the boiling water and lay the rump to the vegetables.
  6. Cook for half an hour.
  7. Place the fry in a hot, stir and a little razomnite, sprinkle with herbs.
  8. The porcelain should be infused before serving.

Kulesh with bacon

Two components: millet and lard determine the taste and quality of the dish. And bacon is the basis, not suffering substitution. This product gives the hot to the hot, and in combination with the fried vegetables - an unprecedented aroma and density. For simplicity, the dishes hide the selected components for centuries, which will not only warm in winter, but will also give the Cossack spirit.



  1. Before you cook the kulesh, cook the millet for 20 minutes.
  2. Slice the fat to rouge.
  3. Combine with onion, sweeten with pepper, soak for 5 minutes, then pour in liquid and bring to a boil.
  4. Add the potato slices until cooked.
  5. Put the croup, mix.
  6. Kulesh is a recipe, presupposing immediate submission to the table.

Buckwheat buckwheat

Nobody doubts the benefits of buckwheat porridge , but the same feed quickly becomes boring. To save the situation and dilute the boredom will help buckwheat kulesh - diet and nourishing hot for the whole family. Using a lean recipe, for half an hour you can cook a brew from simple and financially affordable products and feed two household members.



  1. Fry the buckwheat for 3 minutes, pour water, add the bouillon cube and reduce the heat.
  2. Vegetables chop and combine with the groats.
  3. Cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Butter with butter, greens, mix and let it brew.

Kulesh with mushrooms

This Cossack kulesh - a handful of millet, spring water, and dried roots. The modern version allows you to include meat, vegetables, greens and mushrooms in the cooking of the kulesh, especially since the latter were often in the saddlebags of their ancestors. The home version will not cause difficulties - all products are simple and easy to buy, and hourly cooking will pay off a satisfying dish.



  1. Mushrooms rinse, fill with liquid and cook until done.
  2. Remove from the broth and chop.
  3. In broth, put millet, spices and cook for 20 minutes, then place the potatoes and hold on the stove for 10 minutes.
  4. Onions fry, mix with mushrooms and put the mixture in hot.
  5. Potomite under the lid, season with herbs and serve.


Soup-kulesh from fish - hot popular among fishermen, picnics lovers and just connoisseurs of hearty and healthy food. Created in nature from fresh fish, it perfectly conveys the energy of the dish. You can create a Cossack masterpiece in your home. Enough fish skeleton, spices, greens and cereals, and in an hour a tasty and nutritious dish will decorate your table.



  1. Rinse fish, pour liquid and cook broth.
  2. Separate the liquid, separate the fish from the bones.
  3. Pour the broth into the broth and cook for about a quarter of an hour.
  4. Add potatoes, fry from vegetables and simmer for about half an hour.
  5. Before serving, season with greens and slices of fish.

Kulesh in the cauldron at the stake

Kulesh is a Cossack recipe, created for a free lifestyle, perfectly suited for any outdoor activities. Cossack brew, created in order to nourish and cheaply feed a large army, copes with the task and now. Hot, cooked in a cauldron of simple products can become an insanely tasty campfire on the bonfire.



  1. Pieces of bacon fry for 10 minutes, adding vegetable ingredients for toasting.
  2. Pour 500 ml of liquid, lay out the potatoes and croup.
  3. Add the liquid, season with spices and cook until done.
  4. Season with butter, greens and mix.
  5. Kulesh, a recipe of which for several centuries, serve to the table without delay.

Kulesh in the multivark

Cooking hot on an open fire - a way that is not available to everyone. Nevertheless, do not give up such a dish in the familiar surroundings. Kulesh - a recipe for cooking at home using a multivark is quite affordable. Using a fashionable gadget, modernizing traditional components, adding meat and eggs - the right decision.



  1. In the "Hot" mode, simmer the pieces of fat, add vegetables and slices of fillet. Do not interrupt the mode for 15 minutes.
  2. Put a lot of croup into the mass, add liquid, potatoes and start the "Quenching" mode for 50 minutes.
  3. Strain in a hot couple of eggs and serve.
  4. Kulesh, whose recipes are varied, in this version is able to decorate and festive table.