Diplopia of the eye

When the visual function is disturbed, accompanied by a visible doubling of objects, physicians are likely to diagnose diplopia eyes. Let's look at the reasons that contribute to the development of such a failure of visual functions.

Causes of Diplomacy

The provoking factors of this pathology are various violations of the muscular balance and pathology of the central parts of the visual analyzer, which arise from the weakening of the eye muscles. Because of this, there is a restriction of the mobility of the eye or there is a shift in one direction. The provoking factor are neurogenic causes or disorders in the eye socket itself.

Most often, diplopia occurs due to paralysis of the oculomotor muscles, which in turn arises because of muscle weakness or damage to the nerves that control these muscles.

These reasons are common for diplopia, but in addition there are additional ones that can lead to a similar disruption of the function of the eye muscles:

In addition to these reasons, neurological diseases, for example, meningitis , tumors, can contribute to double vision. It can also be the cause of infectious brain damage in tetanus, parotitis, rubella and diphtheria. Alcohol intoxication can also cause disturbances in the central nervous system in such a way that there is a symptom of double vision in the eyes.

Symptoms of diplopia

Diplomacy has a few symptoms:

With monocular diplopia, one eye can see two objects simultaneously (develops, most often because of injuries), while with binocular diplopia, closing one eye leads to the fact that the effect of doubling disappears.

Treatment of diplopia

Treatment of binocular diplopia is to normalize the nerve, if its damage leads to dysfunction of the oculomotor muscle. If the muscles have lost their abilities due to other diseases, the treatment is directed, first of all, to their elimination, and then to restore the visual function.

When a person is injured, they are hospitalized in the neurosurgical or traumatological department and conduct either surgery or provide first aid, and then rehabilitate the ability of the muscles and nerve.