What products contain iron?

From the content of iron in our body, many external and internal factors of health depend: strong teeth, bones, nails, hair, deep breathing and full nutrition of all cells of the body. The value of iron and its compounds is determined by its participation in the synthesis of hemoglobin. If the iron is small, less hemoglobin is produced and oxygen starvation of the whole organism begins.


Iron, as already mentioned, is a key element in the creation of hemoglobin. When this natural process is broken, you not only lose your stamina and can not exercise, even routine school activities become an unbearable burden.

In addition to the synthesis of hemoglobin, iron also participates in immunity. Leukocytes produce hydrogen peroxide, which disinfects wounds. However, peroxide can harm our body and healthy, intact cells from within. Iron protects us from the pernicious effects of peroxide.

Also, iron is a part of myoglobin - the oxygen depot of our body. Myoglobin generates an air reserve, which in case of delayed breathing saves us for a while.


Before we tell what products contain iron, let's talk about the dosage of this element, as well as the risks of excess iron in our body.

It is much more important for the female body to receive its dose of iron than for men, moreover, it needs more women.

For a healthy woman, the daily intake of iron is 18 mg. If you are doing sports, the rate should be increased by 30%.

Pregnancy and iron are generally a separate topic. During pregnancy, a minimum of iron - 33 mg. At what, if before pregnancy you were sitting on a strict diet (for half a year), or if you suffered from iron deficiency for some other reason, iron deficiency is provided to you during pregnancy. In this case, the consumption of food containing iron is not enough, you will need special medicines.

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Now the main thing is which foods are rich in iron.

Iron is in both animals and plant products. In animals - contains ferrous iron, it is better absorbed, and in plant - trivalent, for its assimilation the body needs more time and effort, and the result is worse.

Iron deficiency is subject to vegetarians and adherents of strict diets, it is due to the exclusion of products of animal origin.

First of all, from products in which a lot of iron should be called meat and offal. Including, and: turkey, duck, beef, lamb, pork, rabbit. The liver is the leader.

Also contain iron seafood - shellfish, shrimp, mussels, etc.

From plant products that contain iron, it is worth mentioning cereals - oats, buckwheat, and also beans (especially red). Contains iron also beets, dried fruits , nuts, peaches, pears, apricots, plums, grapes.

As for the fish, the iron content in it is much lower than in the meat. From representatives of the fish class, mackerel and humpback salmon can be emphasized.

Iron, like other important trace elements, is abundant in the egg yolk.

From all of the above, some of you have already certainly concluded that iron is contained precisely in those products, most of which we strictly exclude from the diet, wishing to lose weight.


Much has been said about the compatibility of microelements, but this issue still remains without a 100% accurate answer. According to the common opinion, iron is well absorbed in combination with folic acid and vitamin C, at the same time, it is not digested and prevents calcium assimilation in combination with it. When it comes to dietary supplements, this is one thing, but some nutritionists in the case of natural food hold the view that the microelements contained in it can not interfere with the assimilation of each other. To shed light on this is for future generations
