Chinese cabbage - calories

Despite its exotic name, Chinese cabbage has long become a familiar product on our tables. Many willingly grow it on their household plots along with a traditional white-collar relative.

People's love for this product is explained simply: it is tasty and useful, including for a beautiful figure. Calories in Chinese cabbage quite a bit, it occupies the thirteenth line in the list of the most low-calorie vegetables. But it contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, for example, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, lysine, etc. Caloric content of Chinese cabbage mainly depends on the content of carbohydrates in it. There is no fat in it, there is very little protein - 1% of the total mass, and water and vegetable fiber are also represented in the composition.

How many calories are in Chinese cabbage?

There is a "pecynka" and another valuable property - it is universal, that is, it can be boiled, stewed, baked, fried, steamed and eaten raw. The correct heat treatment almost does not add to the caloric content of Chinese cabbage, but still, it is most useful in the form of a salad of fresh chopped leaves, dressed with a small amount of olive oil. This dish will contain about 15 kcal per 100 grams. The vegetable is well combined with cheese, nuts, boiled meat, tomatoes, greens, etc.

Low caloric content of the product is largely due to the fact that carbohydrates (which are very few) in Chinese cabbage are useful. They do not pass into fat cells, they are completely absorbed and are used up by the human body in the form of natural energy resources.

Those who are seriously concerned with the question of how much carbohydrates are contained in Chinese cabbage, dieticians are in a hurry to reassure, because the number of such compounds in the "Peking" does not exceed 2% of the total mass.