Heaviness in the abdomen

The feeling of heaviness in the abdomen is a phenomenon many people know. It is quite different from the usual pain and brings a lot of discomfort. The causes of the appearance of severity may be different. But even for those of them that lead to short-term attacks, attention needs to be drawn. Otherwise, you can face the unpleasant consequences of the problem.

Why there is a heaviness in the abdomen?

In a completely healthy body, food enters the intestine due to contractions of the musculature of the stomach. If the muscles are disturbed, food can not quickly move to its final destination, and some of it is delayed in the stomach. Due to the fact that it can not be digested for a long time, and there is a feeling of heaviness.

In addition, as long as food particles are broken down in the stomach, gases can form. The latter stretch the organ. Hence - an unpleasant feeling of overfilling the stomach.

Causes of bloating and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen

Often, uncomfortable sensations become a consequence of eating heavy food for the digestive organs or excessive use of food. No wonder that many New Year's holidays are associated with weight in the abdomen. All because this is a period of frequent feasts, during which to deny yourself in another spoon something delicious is very difficult. As a result, you have to suffer with a full stomach.

Fortunately, "festive" bouts of stomach overflow quickly pass. It should be cautious if you are concerned about the constant weight in the abdomen. The reasons for it may be as follows:

  1. Knowingly experts advise to eat food slowly and measuredly. It not only improves its taste, but also protects your digestive system. If you eat quickly, along with food in the stomach gets a lot of air. Because of this, the process of digestion of food is delayed.
  2. Very often the feeling of heaviness in the abdomen appears in those people who abuse carbonated drinks.
  3. Harmful habits can also lead to discomfort in the abdomen.
  4. In some women, the heaviness in the stomach and bloating are the harbingers of the approaching menstruation.
  5. One of the most dangerous causes is chronic diseases of the digestive organs.

Gravity in the abdomen and eructation may also appear due to the untimely use of fluid. To prevent these unpleasant events, do not drink large amounts of water or any other beverages immediately after meals. This reduces the properties of hydrochloric acid and, accordingly, inhibits the process of digesting food. In addition, because of the liquid, the amount of food that gets into the stomach increases and the organs have to strain more.

What to do to eliminate the heaviness in the abdomen?

Some useful tips:

  1. Of course, the main advice is not to overeat. It is much more correct to eat in small portions, but more often three times a day.
  2. Prevent weight in the abdomen can be, eating so that after eating food there was a feeling of incomplete saturation.
  3. If diets do not help, try to consult a separate diet . This method is favorably perceived not only by the digestive organs, but also by the body as a whole.
  4. Quickly cope with the constant weight in the stomach and nausea will help decoction of the yarrow. You need to drink this remedy 100 ml twice a day for several weeks.
  5. Beans must be soaked in water before cooking. After that, the body will digest them much easier.
  6. Sometimes you can save yourself from gravity in the stomach by giving up chocolate. It is prepared with the addition of milk and sugar - two products, often causing gas formation.