Hemangioma of the spine - dangerous dimensions

Hemangioma of the spine is a benign tumor of blood vessels, capable of destroying bone and cartilaginous tissue. The symptomatology of the disease, as a rule, is erased. Although in some cases there may be a pain syndrome that occurs due to the squeezing of the nerve endings and the spinal cord directly.

Dangerous sizes of a hemangioma of a backbone

The tumor grows slowly, but as the growth increases, the hemangioma destroys the vertebrae. Most often affects 1-2 pieces, but sometimes the pathological process occurs in more vertebrae, capturing up to 5 pieces. Experts explain the growth of a tumor by trauma, the onset of pregnancy and age-related changes in the body.

Growing benign formation disrupts the integrity and strength of bone elements. Affected vertebrae lose their natural strength, which ultimately leads to their compression fracture, even with little physical exertion. The protruding vertebra begins to press on the spinal cord. The most frequent consequences are:

Specialists of the spinal hemangioma up to 1 cm are considered not dangerous for the body, and do not perform special therapy. If the dimensions of the hemangioma of the spine exceed 1 cm, the doctor prescribes treatment based on the individual neurological symptoms and the degree of the disease in the patient.

Methods of therapy for hemangioma of the spine

Several methods of treating hemangiomas have been developed. Let's mention the main ones:

  1. Sclerotherapy involves the introduction into a benign formation through a miniature catheter blowing alcohol solution. The substance reduces bleeding, and the hemangioma decreases.
  2. Embolization - the introduction of a substance that clogs the blood vessels.
  3. Radiation therapy - impact on the affected tissues by radiation.
  4. Puncture vertebroplasty - the introduction inside the vertebra through the needle of bone cement, strengthening the vertebra.

Operation to remove the hemangioma of the spine

Such treatment is rarely recommended, since the risk of bleeding is high, and recurrences of the disease are also possible. As a rule, indications for surgery are cases when the hemangioma of the spine is large, and it is progressing. The operation to remove the hemangioma of the spine is carried out under local anesthesia with control through an X-ray machine.