Diseases of the digestive system

There is a whole section in medicine that studies diseases of the digestive system - gastroenterology. It includes information about a variety of pathologies divided into groups according to the region, extent and cause of the disease. In addition, gastroenterology also contains narrowly focused specializations: hepatology and proctology.

Classification of diseases of the digestive system

Varieties of described pathologies are grouped according to the ICD (International Classification of Diseases). At the last, the 10th revision, the following types of diseases are established:

The remaining diseases, classified elsewhere and provoked by disorders in other body systems, are grouped together. These include endocrine and nerve diseases, cardiovascular pathologies, for example, chronic ischemic disease of the digestive system, which is caused by changes in the visceral circulation.

Therapy and rehabilitation in diseases of the digestive system

Methods of treatment depend on the type of disease, its causes, the nature of the course and severity.

Basically, the main direction of therapy is the normalization of the functioning of the body by observing a special diet. There are 17 treatment diets, including zero (after surgery on the intestine or stomach) and a basic hypoallergenic table. Each diet is developed taking into account the indications and contraindications for a certain pathology, the necessary daily amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, caloric content.

In addition to diet, a variety of preparations for the digestive system are prescribed:

Other medications are intended for symptomatic treatment - antibiotics, antispasmodics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines.

After intensive therapy, there is a recovery period. He assumes strict adherence to the prescribed diet, the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, often - the implementation of special gymnastics exercises.

Prevention of diseases of the digestive system

To prevent any problems with the gastrointestinal tract, one must adhere to simple rules:

  1. Limit consumption of fatty, smoked, fried foods.
  2. To refuse from bad habits.
  3. To consume a sufficient amount of products containing vegetable fiber.
  4. Drink about 1.5 liters of water a day.
  5. Monitor the rate of protein, fat and carbohydrates, as well as calories.
  6. Provide daily exercise.
  7. Control the mode of work and rest.
  8. Watch the weight.