How to treat dermatitis?

Dermatitis is a common name for skin inflammations caused by various external and internal factors. Due to unfavorable changes in environmental conditions, the disease spreads more and more, so for many of our contemporaries, the question of how to treat dermatitis is urgent.

Than to treat an allergic dermatitis?

For allergic dermatitis is characterized by a slow reaction of the body to stimuli. A dermatologist, as a rule, recommends contacting an allergist to establish an allergen in order to exclude its effect on the body in the future. Diet and drug therapy, which includes mainly taking antihistamines, are determined strictly individually.

How to treat atopic dermatitis?

Atopic dermatitis ( diffuse neurodermatitis ) is a chronic disease of allergic etiology. As a rule, atopic dermatitis has a genetic character and is first manifested in childhood or puberty. Relapses of the disease occur in the autumn, spring seasons and under stressful situations, causing considerable discomfort to the patient. Atopic dermatitis is performed:

Also, the specialist often recommends the use of sorbents (Enterosgel, Polyphepan, etc.), and in the most severe cases - drugs containing calcium. If the relapse is caused by stress, sedatives are prescribed.

With a dry form of dermatitis, powders and pastes with talc, zinc, starch are shown. On wet areas of the skin it is recommended to make compresses with disinfectant and astringent impregnation. To reduce sensitivity, blood transfusions and intravenous injections of calcium chloride or sodium hyposulphite are prescribed.

Of course, for patients it is especially important how to treat dermatitis on the hands, face and neck, because these parts of the body are always in sight. Experts recommend that during the day, repeatedly lubricate the rashes and redness with creams such as Elidel and after each washing or contact with water, for example, when washing dishes, apply moisturizing cream Kasmosis, low-fat emulsion of La Cree, etc. Also doctors, advising the patient, than to treat dermatitis on the face, warn him against the use of hormonal ointments and creams, since a side effect is skin atrophy. This is a serious, hard-to-solve problem.

How to treat seborrheic dermatitis?

Seborrheic dermatitis is a form of the disease caused by a change in the function of the sebaceous glands. As a result of the multiplication of pathological yeast-like fungi, inflammatory foci of fatty, dry, and in some cases of a mixed nature, arise. Therapy of the disease depends on the nature of seborrheic dermatitis. So, for oily seborrhea, drying disinfectants based on boric, salicylic, and levomycitinic alcohol are used, and for dry seborrhea - antiseptic solutions of chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide and the like.

It is important to consider separately the question of how to treat seborrheic dermatitis on the head. Modern pharmaceuticals offer a significant assortment of anti-seborrheic drugs. With oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp will be suitable funds based on ketoconazole:

A good effect in dry seborrhea is provided by means containing sodium sulphide:

An essential condition for recovery in seborrheic dermatitis is an easy diet.