Egg and orange diet

Egg-orange diet - very unusual, but, judging by the reviews, an effective combination. There are several options for such a diet, some of which are short-term, while others are designed for a long course. It is believed that eggs and oranges trigger a special chemical reaction in the body, which enhances metabolic processes and speeds up weight loss.

Diet "3 eggs, 3 oranges"

The strictest diet for eggs and oranges can last no more than 3-5 days. It is recommended to use it when you need to lose weight before an important event - for example, before a corporate holiday. It does not promote the splitting of fats, and the weight will decrease due to cleansing of the intestine and removing excess fluid.

The menu is very simple: for each day you are given three eggs and three oranges. It is recommended to eat them for six meals, alternating foods. Half an hour before a meal, you need to drink a glass of water. In total, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters a day. However, if such a scheme you do not like or is not suitable for work, you can eat three times a day, eating 1 egg and 1 orange for each meal.

Egg and orange diet

A long-term diet that guarantees not only weight loss, but also the preservation of results, lasts three weeks and gives an excellent effect. The rules are simple:

It is worth noting that at the slightest deviation from the menu you completely knock down the whole diet - and you need to start all over again. Improve the results you will help exercise two or three times a week.

In this case, the menu will be simple. In the first week only eggs and oranges are allowed, and in the second and third - eggs and any fruits and vegetables. To adhere to such a blurry diet is quite difficult, so try to detail it.

So, an approximate menu for the day for the first week:

In addition to water, which is indicated in the diet, you need to drink at least 3-4 glasses. It is advisable to drink a glass 30 minutes before the next meal.

In the second and third week, the menu is significantly expanded - now you can add raw fruits and vegetables. Let's consider some variants:

  1. Option one :
    • on an empty stomach - a glass of water;
    • breakfast - two eggs and an orange;
    • second breakfast - an apple;
    • lunch - two eggs and vegetable salad;
    • afternoon tea - orange;
    • dinner - two eggs and leafy vegetables.
  2. Option two:
    • on an empty stomach - a glass of water;
    • breakfast - scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs and vegetable salad;
    • second breakfast - a couple of oranges;
    • lunch - cutlet from grated eggs and a pair of tomatoes;
    • Afternoon snack - fruit salad with lemon juice;
    • dinner - two eggs and a salad of fresh cabbage.
  3. Option three :
    • on an empty stomach - a glass of water;
    • breakfast - a couple of eggs, sea kale and tea;
    • second breakfast - grapefruit;
    • dinner - a salad of leafy vegetables and eggs;
    • mid - morning snack - a glass of fresh orange juice and any fruit;
    • dinner - salad of cucumbers, greens and eggs.

For three weeks on such a menu you will significantly lose weight, but if you sharply return to the previous diet - then the kilograms will return. Try to exclude fatty, fried and sweet food from the diet, emphasize vegetables and fruits - this will allow you to save the results.