Watermelon diet for 3 days

At the end of August, it's time for watermelons. In the largest berry contains many useful substances that contribute to weight loss . In addition, it has a diuretic effect and helps to cleanse the body of excess fluid, as well as toxins. There are several methods of losing weight on watermelon, we suggest to stay on the safest option, according to dieticians.

It is recommended to carry out a small experiment in advance to understand whether such a diet suits you or not. In any day off refuse the usual food and eat about 2 kg of watermelon and 200 g of rye bread. If you feel well in the evening, then you can continue to lose weight.

Pros and cons of watermelon diet

To use this method of losing weight is recommended before a responsible event, when you need to quickly lose a couple of kilograms. Because when returning to a normal diet, weight can quickly recover. Nutritionists believe that a three-day diet is the safest for the body. In addition, a significant plus is to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. Watermelon diet for 3 days promotes blood renewal, cleansing of bile ducts, and also it favorably affects the activity of the nervous system.

There is this diet and minuses, for example, a very meager menu, but if you want to lose weight, you can and suffer. You can not use this technique for people with diabetes, with kidney stones and clogged ureters.

How to sit on a watermelon diet?

To use this diet is very simple, because the diet consists exclusively of ripe striped berries. If you suffer from severe hunger, you can eat a small slice of rye bread. In the watermelon diet for 3 days there are restrictions on the the amount of berries consumed and everything depends on the value that the scales show. The calculation is quite simple, so for every 10 kg of its own weight, 1 kg of watermelon is necessary. For example, if your weight is 84 kg, then you can eat a little more than 8 kg of juicy pulp every day.

Now about the most interesting, we will understand, how many kilograms you can lose weight on a watermelon diet. People who already used this method of losing weight, and dieticians say that in just 3 days you can lose up to 3 extra pounds, but remember that everything depends on the initial weight of a person.

To the weight quickly did not return, it is recommended to leave the diet gradually, and also it is necessary to properly build your diet and give preference to the right food.