Nutrition for diarrhea in an adult

Diarrhea or, in the common people, diarrhea is an intestinal disorder, in which there is frequent loose stools. Provoke it can be a variety of diseases - gastric and duodenal ulcer, chronic inflammation, ulcerative colitis, cancer of the rectum and others, as well as certain foods and non-compliance with hygiene measures. About what should be nutrition with diarrhea in an adult, will be described in this article.

Nutrition for diarrhea and dysbiosis

Since this illness severely dehydrates the body, causes colic, swelling , fermentation and disrupts the intestinal microflora, the patient's diet should be formulated so as to calm the irritated mucous membrane, remove inflammation and fill the lack of fluid in the body. All food received must be chemically, thermally and mechanically sparing to minimize strain on the digestive tract. It is about one that does not contain acids, spices and seasonings, has a comfortable temperature and structure, easy to digest.

It is very important to include in the diet products that have a binding effect, to which include rice, bird cherry, quince, jelly. Rice can be used as a garnish, and it is still useful to drink its decoction. Any fatty and fried food can only worsen the condition, so meat and fish need to choose low-fat varieties and cook for steaming or boiling, or even better cutlets for steamed or meatballs, and for garnish potatoes, a peppermint on water without adding oil.

Nutrition in irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea includes porridge, but only on water. A huge benefit can bring "slimy" soups on low-fat broth, jelly and jelly, eggs and cottage cheese, but from fresh fruits and vegetables should be discarded, since the fiber contained in them only aggravates the existing problem. Once a day you can bake apples and almost without restrictions there are bananas that are rich in potassium, washed out from the body during the period of diarrhea. On the first day of the disease, you can not eat anything at all, but drink only mineral water without gas, regidron, herbal or black tea with lemon, broth of wild rose. And the next day, a little bit and gradually begin to eat.

Nutrition after diarrhea

With the normalization of the stool for a while it's better to keep a sparing diet - about 3-7 days. Again, avoid everything that can cause irritation of the stomach and intestines. For semi-finished products do not go over yet, cook food yourself, excluding frying, and vegetables are not raw, but stewed. Such nutrition after diarrhea in an adult will help restore normal functioning of the digestive system.