Bloating - symptoms

It happens that after eating in the stomach, there are such sensations as heaviness, swelling or rumbling. This is due to various problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract or due to diseases of its organs.

To avoid such a condition as bloating, you should know why it happens, and on what grounds it should be determined.

Symptoms of bloating

Flatulence or swelling is a condition in which too much gas accumulates in the stomach, which are released during digestion, get out of the blood and along with the food.

When swelling notes:

To help a person suffering from bloating, it is necessary to determine why it started and only then begin treatment.

The main causes of bloating

This condition can be of a regular nature or be of short duration, appearing only periodically.

The cause of constant bloating is the following diseases:

Also, a constant swelling of the abdomen is caused by any chronic diseases of the stomach or intestines.

A single or short-term bloating begins as a result of:

It is worth remembering about some food products, the use of which can cause flatulence.

Products that cause bloating

  1. Promote the formation of gases:
  • Enhance the process of fermentation:
  • Of course, once having experienced discomfort in the abdomen as a swelling, a person does not run to the doctor, but is saved by improvised means. But it is better to seek the advice of a specialist, and having received recommendations, adhere to them in each case of this condition.