LDL is elevated - what does it mean?

Cholesterol, contrary to widespread misconception, is not always harmful to the body. This organic compound is involved in the production of sex hormones, bile, vitamin D, used to build membrane cell membranes. The negative effect is in those cases when the index of low density lipoproteins, the transport form of cholesterol, or LDL is increased - what this means for a particular patient, should be explained by a specialist depending on the values ​​obtained.

What threatens when LDL cholesterol in the blood test is elevated?

The described state is called hypercholesterolemia in medicine. To determine the degree of its danger, it is necessary to compare the obtained indices of the concentration of lipoproteins with normal values. For women of different ages, they are:

If the LDL cholesterol content is increased, the risk of formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels, their subsequent blockage and the development of atherosclerosis increases.

In addition, exceeding the norms of the considered value threatens the emergence of a number of cardiovascular diseases associated with disruption of the functioning of the arteries and capillaries:

For what reasons is quantitatively increased LDL, and what does this mean?

To establish the exact factors that increase the concentration of this organic compound in the blood can only be done after a careful study of the history and clinical examination.

The fact is that LDL cholesterol is elevated by Friedwald because of a hereditary predisposition or some violation of the rules of a healthy diet - abuse of fatty, high-assimilated carbohydrates, food, dairy products. In addition, the results of the analysis may be affected by external factors:

If the blood has been delivered correctly and in a timely manner, the possible reasons for increasing the LDL value are:

It is important to note that the correct value of LDL can not always be established after the first blood donation. Therefore, as a rule, doctors recommend to do the analysis 2-3 times with a short time interval, from 2 weeks to 1 month.