Chamomile - medicinal properties and contraindications

Of all the flowers, the chamomile deserves special attention. It has a mass of important qualities that have found application in cosmetology and medicine. Chamomile, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which we will consider below, helps to cope with many ailments. But, as with any drug, chamomile should be taken, following all precautions.

Grass chamomile - use and contraindications

The presence in the plant of many active ingredients allowed the use of chamomile for the treatment of certain diseases:

  1. The plant has a powerful influence on the stomach, kidneys and liver. Its use facilitates the removal of gases from the body, the elimination of flatulence and the removal of pain associated with these problems.
  2. They resort to help plants in the fight against skin problems. Application of chamomile flowers in the absence of contraindications relieves acne, itching, irritation. Also, the plant is used to wash the sweaters in young children.
  3. The positive effect is rendered by a camomile on female health. With her help, many gynecological diseases are treated.
  4. Conducting inhalations allows you to cope with inflammation of the nasal mucosa, runny nose and other respiratory diseases.
  5. Infusion of chamomile relieves of stomatitis, sore throats and flu.

But the use of chamomile pharmacy has its contraindications:

  1. Do not treat patients with an anatomic gastritis and people prone to diarrhea.
  2. It is forbidden to use chamomile with sensitivity to its components.
  3. Long-term use of drugs with this plant can cause excessive irritability and sudden outbursts of anger.

Overdose of chamomile esters is manifested in weakness and headache.

Chamomile in pregnancy - contraindications

Proper use of the plant helps women cope with a variety of troubles:

To make a daisy useful it is necessary to apply it competently. External use of chamomile has the main contraindication - individual intolerance.

As for internal use, it is necessary to make infusion weak and most importantly not to abuse them. A day allowed to drink no more than two glasses of this decoction. Since the plant activates the work of estrogens, exceeding doses can cause a miscarriage.

Chamomile tea - contraindications

The most popular way of using the plant is tea. In small amounts, it is useful, but it can do harm in such cases:

  1. When used concomitantly with sedatives and blood thinning medications.
  2. Care should be taken for those who have a problem with the heart, since the drink is capable of increasing the pulse.
  3. It is forbidden to drink tea at the same time as sedatives and diuretics.
  4. People who are prone to allergies are also advised not to take the medication.

Chamomile broth - contraindications

Useful properties of chamomile allowed her to use for cosmetic purposes. The plant helps:

The broth of a camomile allows to consult practically with all skin diseases. The only contraindication for external use is the presence of an allergy. Before using the plant, moisten with a small amount of the decoction of the wrist. If there was no itching and irritation, then you can start using.