Spring puzzles for children with answers

Oral folk art is the whole science and heritage left by our ancestors, their observations over the centuries. To grow a child without knowing his sources means to grow him spiritually poor. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary, from an early age, to introduce the children to all sorts of riddles, chastushki and omens that often affect the seasons.

With the onset of the first warm days, the riddles for children on the spring theme are especially urgent, which were collected by the past generations a great many. Many of them have identical answers, but they have different semantic implications.

Why do we need riddles about the signs of spring for children?

Previously, some 30-40 years ago, every child knew a lot of spring puzzles for children. Children were erudite in this matter, and the favorite entertainment at leisure was precisely the unraveling of all sorts of tricky puzzles.

Riddles about spring signs for children are not only interesting and fun, but also useful. After making maximum efforts, the child tries to guess the unknown riddle and simultaneously learns to think big. In addition, the method of associations, imagination is activated and memory is well trained, which is of no small importance both for preschool and school age.

Riddles are divided into simple - for kids, and complex - for older children. Hardly a child will understand how to solve a riddle (and adults should explain it to him), folk art becomes close and interesting to him, because it affects the world around him, which is familiar to the child.

Now, in the age of high technology, folklore is unfairly forgotten. But this is not true, because on some computer games and watching cartoons it is impossible to grow a harmoniously developed personality. To fill the existing gap in education, it is recommended to study the spring puzzles for children with answers on their own, as a hint for adults.

Here are such riddles about the spring with similar answers you can offer to solve the kids:

I open the buds in green leaves.

Trees I dress, I sow crops,

Movement full, call me (Spring).


Ringlets rang, rooks flew in.

In the beehive hive, the first honey was brought.

Who will say who knows,

When does this happen? (In the Spring).


There was a white and gray-haired, a green young one. (Spring).


The snow turns black in the clearing, the weather is warmer every day.

Time to put a sledge in the pantry. What is this time of the year? (Spring).


She comes with a caress and a fresh tale.

Magic wand wiggles - in the forest the snowdrop will blossom. (Spring)

In addition to the immediate riddles about Spring-red, the children should think about natural phenomena, forest dwellers and weather. When the first streams ring, migratory birds fly - it's time to introduce the children to the spring riddles, and also to show in practice many natural phenomena.

For small children there are special collections of puzzles with the answers already available, and the adult does not need to look for them somewhere one by one - everything is collected in one booklet. In addition, such publications often have suggestive pictures, considering which the child can independently give the correct answer.

In the midst of the spring time, the juice drips from the snow-white crust. (Birch)


Here on the branch there is someone's house, no doors in it, no windows.

But the chicks live there warmly. The house is called ... (Nest)


The warm southern wind blows, the sun shines ever brighter.

The snow grows thin, it cools, it melts, the rooks of the throat arrive.

What month, who knows? (March).


In the night - frost, in the morning - drops,

So, in the yard ... (April).


On the green, fragile leg, a ball rose near the path.

Veterochek rustled and dispelled this ball. (Dandelion).

When children know a lot of puzzles, you can conduct among them a kind of competition for the best connoisseur of riddles and for the best "guesswork". As prizes for the first places you can give young scholars the apples, bananas, lollipops or small presents in the form of a set of pencils, coloring and notebooks.

But the mystery is not only fun for kids. Teachers in the middle classes of the school note that the more erudite the child in this sphere of oral folk art, the more developed his intellect. After all, there are such puzzles that it is not easy for an adult to guess either. For this, it is necessary to think logically, to recall in the memory familiar figurative associations, to mobilize mental faculties.

Engaging in solving riddles, the child performs gymnastics for his mind, and this, undoubtedly, is useful and comparable to guessing crossword puzzles or playing chess. As you know, people who regularly give time to these classes, to a very old age can boast of excellent memory and thinking abilities.