How to help the child speak?

Each mother looks forward to her baby's first words. When this happens, depends largely on the individual characteristics of a particular little man. To know how to help a child talk faster, it is necessary to understand what affects the emergence and formation of speech.

When will the baby start talking?

It is impossible to determine at what age a child is supposed to pronounce the first word. Psychologists have done a lot of research on this topic. Over time, they came to the conclusion that at the age of one to three years, different children can pronounce from 2 to 100 words, and in each case this will be the norm. There is no clearly verified number of words for a certain age group.

Often children begin to pronounce their first mother, a woman, give, on, lya, for another year. At first these words are a simple babble and imitation, but soon become conscious and attached to a specific person, object or action. Thus, over time, the child begins to pronounce words, relating them to something.

But if the child does not speak in two or three years, moms and dads start to worry, because around the majority of children already have a decent vocabulary. Such parents will be assisted by a consultation on "How to help a child talk with suggestions". Let's find out more about this.

How to help to speak to a child in 2-3 years?

If the development of speech is inhibited, you will have to make some efforts to teach the baby. There are several key points to consider:

  1. Like any learning process, speech development should take place in a friendly atmosphere. If the mother is angry, all the time dissatisfied, then the child will instinctively become isolated.
  2. Infant lisping, deliberate distortion of words in everyday life do not benefit the child. He will imitate the elders, thereby complicating the process. The speech of an adult should be slow and clear.
  3. Classes should be held regularly, daily, and some several times a day. This does not mean that you need to talk with your child all the time. From the excess of information and constant voice stimulus, he simply will not delve into the essence and will perceive speech as background noise, and no more. But to remain silent all the time, ignoring the child's natural need for communication, is impossible.
  4. It should be remembered that the children who are brought up in the house of the baby have a lag in the development of speech in large part because they do not receive sufficient verbal communication with the elders who are simply silently doing their care work while they are nearby.
  5. To the kid, since birth, it is necessary constantly to read fairy tales, simple rhymes, nursery rhymes. With age, the amount of literature should gradually increase. Possessing a large passive vocabulary (those meanings of words that the child knows, but do not yet say), the kid has an excellent chance to speak at once with sentences.
  6. Very good for mastering speech develop small and large motor skills. For this, dance classes, simple physical exercises, active walks in the fresh air are perfect. Also, regular drawing classes (using finger techniques), modeling, cutting out will be required. All that is associated with the development of agility in the fingers, contributes to the activation of work in the brain departments responsible for speech.

Only when the child is in harmony with himself and his environment, he will develop evenly in all directions. But in case the baby, despite all the tricks of adults, stubbornly silent or gives inarticulate sounds, my mother should address such a problem to a neurologist for receiving qualified help.