Espartic honey

Espartcito honey is a unique product that is considered one of the most valuable varieties of natural honey. It is made from a perennial herb of sainfoin, belonging to the family of legumes. Espartzet is one of the best and sought-after honeycombs. Its productivity varies depending on the place of its growth and can range from 70-100 kg per hectare to 400 kg per hectare.

The sainfoin plant

Esparcet is found wild in the middle belt of the European part of Russia and in the south of Siberia, and it is cultivated in many areas as a fodder plant. It grows in meadows, along the banks of rivers, along forest edges and bushes.

The plant has straight stems, odd-pinnate leaves. Flowers are butterfly type, pink-red color, collected in thick spicate brushes, have a sweetish flavor. The sainfoin blooms in May-June for quite a long time - for 3-4 weeks.

How to determine siskirt honey?

Honey from sainfoin is thick, transparent, light amber, characterized by a gentle, slightly herbaceous pleasant taste and a light aroma reminiscent of rose flowers. This honey is sugared slowly, and in crystallized form it is a white dense mass with a cream tint, somewhat resembling baked fat. According to its taste, honey from sainfoin is considered one of the most delicious. This honey is absolutely not bitter and does not leave a luscious sweet aftertaste.

Chemical composition of sainfoil honey

The chemical composition of this type of honey is very rich. It contains a large number of biologically active substances, macro- and microelements, ascorbic acid, carotene, rutin, enzymes, etc. It differs from other varieties of low-maltose honey. The absence of sucrose as part of sainfoin honey indicates its maturity.

Useful properties of sour cream honey

Espartian honey has such useful properties:

In therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to apply honey from sainfoin twice a day on a tablespoon, slowly dissolving in the mouth.

Application of sainfoil honey

Espartic honey will be useful for various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract ( gastritis , enteritis, colitis, constipation, dysbiosis, etc.). It helps to improve digestion, increase digestibility of nutrients, restore the intestinal microflora, reduce the secretory function of the stomach (relieves heartburn).

Favorably affects sardine honey on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. With regular use, it helps improve blood circulation and vascular strengthening, as well as increase hemoglobin in the blood.

As an external agent, espartic honey is used for rinsing with inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.). To do this, honey is diluted with warm water (2 teaspoons per glass of water).

Ephardic honey is also effective in gynecological diseases. And it should be used both internally and for douching. Especially useful it will be with erosion of the cervix.

Espartic honey is able to increase mental and physical ability, improves memory , eliminates nervousness, increases the body's immune defenses.

Contraindications to the use of sainfoin honey

There are no direct contraindications to the use of espartic honey for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. However, before taking it, you should check whether this honey causes allergic reactions.