Horse sorrel - medicinal properties and contraindications

Horse sorrel is a common widespread weed that does not occur only in the Far North. Outwardly, it is very similar to a cultivated plant, but has a specific taste with bitter taste. A good tradition is in the peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia, use it in cooking, only after drying. Thus, by fermentation, it is possible to remove the bitter taste. Horse sorrel, whose medicinal properties have been known since the time of Avicenna, is more often positioned as an astringent or laxative if used in large quantities. But this plant has much more indications for use.

What determines the medicinal properties of horse sorrel?

Medicinal properties are the roots, grass and seeds of horse sorrel, without exception. Because of the similarity in chemical composition, horse sorrel is often compared to rhubarb, but tannins in the latter are less. Active active substances are:

All of the above gives the horse sorrel the full right to treat one of the most useful and popular plants in the treatment:

Horse sorrel is able to stop internal bleeding, relieve stress, overcome the syndrome of chronic fatigue.

How correctly to use horse sorrel?

If horse sorrel is used in the form of a pharmaceutical product, the dosage is already indicated in the instructions. This medicinal plant is in known medicines: Sinupret, Bodiprost. They have an extract from the roots of this plant, which is relevant for diseases of the spinal tract. As for folk recipes, horse sorrel is used as:

Recipe for broth horse sorrel


Preparation and use

You should pour the grass with hot water, boil for 10-15 minutes and take 1/3 cup before meals.

When skin lesions are done lotions. For them, the concentration of the crushed root and inflorescences of the plant can be higher.

Tincture of horse sorrel on vodka has a ratio of 50 g / 1 liter. The remedy will be ready in 2 weeks. Take a tablespoon 2 times a day (morning, evening). You can just before bed.

The healing properties of horse sorrel with hemorrhoids are due to the presence of chrysorubin, which is indispensable in the field of proctology. At home, you can make baths, drink a decoction as an astringent in the presence of blood secretions.

Contraindications to the use of horse sorrel

  1. Contraindication is a violation of the kidneys.
  2. With caution should be used drugs from horse sorrel to children and pregnant women. Despite all its indisputable advantages, oxalic acid can provoke the development of osteoporosis, as it "cleanses" calcium from the body.
  3. Oxalic acid salts can contribute to stone formation.
  4. It can not be used for exacerbation of ulcers and the presence of chronic gastritis with high acidity.

But the negative effect is obvious only at high dosages, so you can not abuse the daily intake.