Anne Hathaway showed a 5-month-old son

Anne Hathaway and Adam Shulman first became parents five months ago. They carefully concealed their baby from prying eyes. Paparazzi and could not capture the face of the child. Jonathan grew up and his stellar mother decided that he could be born!

Forced Conspiracy

Anne Hathaway hid herself as best she could, walking out with her son. The actress covered the baby with her hand, with a diaper, hid in a sling, so despite all the tricks of the reporters, the fans did not know what her son looked like, and complained that they could not discuss which of their parents he looked more like.

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Serene Happiness

The other day the family got into a paparazzi lens in New York. The actress with her husband and son was walking the streets. Even when they noticed that they were being removed, they continued to smile.

Spouses alternately wheeled the stroller with Jonathan, and then Ann, dressed in a long free sundress, took the crumb in her arms. From the unbearable heat Hathaway saved a straw hat, what about the baby, then he managed to change his outfit twice. At first, the actress's son was in a white bodyguard, and then in a striped one.