Products that raise blood sugar

The normal level of sugar in the blood is 3.3-5.5 mmol / l. Above this level can be with frequent consumption of foods that raise blood sugar, as well as for some other reasons, including stress and pregnancy. Increased blood sugar - hyperglycemia - may indicate the development of diabetes.

What foods increase blood sugar?

In order to divide the products into sugar-raising and useful ones, the concept of a hypoemic index (GI) was introduced. The highest GI score has glucose syrup - 100. Products with an index higher than 70 are considered to sharply increase sugar in the blood. Moderate increase in sugar products with an index of 56-69, for useful products this figure is less than 55. Products with a high glycemic index should be consumed rarely and in small portions.

Sharply increase the sugar in the blood products containing a large number of fast carbohydrates: honey, sweets, ice cream, jam, etc. A large amount of glucose and fructose contain many fruits, such as watermelon and grapes, so they also increase blood sugar levels. Products with a high glycemic index include cereals, bread, pasta. Especially dangerous for diabetics are mango and rice. Among vegetables, the strongest jump in blood sugar is caused by potatoes and corn. High glycemic index may be in some dairy products, for example, in yoghurts, cream, fermented baked milk, in canned vegetables, meat and fish, in cheese, smoked sausage, nuts.

Many people are interested in information about whether alcohol increases blood sugar. Drinks, whose strength is 35-40 degrees, not only do not increase the level of sugar, but also reduce it. However, they are prohibited by patients with diabetes because they increase the risk of developing glycemia. Glycemia occurs because of a lack of blood sugar, and strong alcohol prevents its absorption. Wines and other lighter alcohol increase blood sugar levels due to the high content of sucrose and glucose, which are rapidly absorbed. Relatively safe in this regard is dry wine, but it should drink no more than 200 ml.

Products with increased sugar

With increased sugar, you can eat green salads, as well as cabbage, aubergines, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini. Carrots and beets should be limited, taking into account the daily carbohydrate norm agreed with the doctor.

The following products are allowed with increased sugar: fish, meat, poultry, vegetable and animal oils, eggs, cottage cheese, unsweetened dairy products, sour fruits and berries.

From bread products it is recommended bread, cooked with the addition of raw gluten. Honey is allowed to eat in a very small amount - 1 teaspoonful 2 times a day.