Brugmansiya - care

Brugmansiya is a very beautiful plant with abundant flowering. Its flowers resemble huge bells in shape. Looking at this elegant plant, it may seem that he needs some special and very complex care. In fact, this is not the case at all - there will not be much effort to grow it.

How to care for brugmansia?

Care for brugsmanship requires only the knowledge of certain subtleties and tricks. Knowing about them, you with success will become the owner of a smart bush, and all neighbors around the site will be envious of you.

It all starts with the correct selection of a place for planting. First brugmansiyu need a few days to hold in the penumbra - she must get used to the new conditions of detention. Then - we select a very well-lit and protected from the wind place on the site, where in the hottest time of the day there will be a shade. Brugmansiya requires a dove planting and good care.

The plant is rather hygrophilous, so it should be watered every day. And on especially hot days - twice a day. In water for irrigation 1-2 times a week you need to add fertilizing for flowering plants.

Since brugmansiya - a plant that is heat-loving and does not tolerate frosts, then with the onset of cold weather it must be transferred to the premises. For this, he is excavated from the ground and transplanted into a large pot.

Brugmansiya: Care and Reproduction

As a rule, this plant is propagated in a vegetative manner, i. E. shoot cuttings up to 20 cm in length and plant in a special soil. For fast rooting, it is necessary to cover the stalk with a jar.

It is advisable to take for cutting the stem from the top of the bush. The young plant that has developed from it will soon give bloom. Also brugmansiya is grown from seeds.

Pruning Brugmansii

In general, brugmansiya in natural conditions grows in the form of a bush, and you can not cut it off, but let it grow and develop freely. They completely independently form their own crown and without human intervention look quite presentable.

However, if you have a desire to form a tree from a plant, then you need to start from the spring and in youth. For this you need to land a young plant, and in the summer, when the rooted shoots are ripe, cut off the stems, leaving only one strongest. Continue to remove lateral stems and shoots, grown from the roots, you need until you achieve the formation of a strong barrel in the form of "Y".

That the bush became more dense, it is necessary all time to cut off branches near a branching - in their place new shoots in double volume will grow. To give the tree a streamlined shape, the protruding branches should be pressed with a rope and a slight weighting. The trunk as a result of such tweaks will bend a little, and the crown will become bulky.