Brugmansiya - growing

Brugmansia is an evergreen shrub or a small tree with large fragrant flowers, similar to bells with a long pedicel growing down. She is the closest relative of an ordinary dope. Huge bright flowers open in the morning, and in the afternoon they close. They are of different colors, and also different in form: simple and terry, with one or two levels of funnels. Brugmansiya poisonous seeds and flowers, it is also called - the tree of the devil. Now you can find many new varieties and hybrids brugmansiya tree, blood red and fragrant.

Brugmansiya: growing and grooming

This spectacular tree, reaching two meters, can be grown both in tubs and in the open ground, but faster grow brugmansii when landing directly into the ground. As any tropical plant for growing brugmansiya requires appropriate care.

  1. Location. This light-loving plant, so you should choose a sunny place, but without the midday heat and strong wind.
  2. Watering. Requires abundant and regular watering, since it has very large leaves. In winter, cut it, water it only to keep the soil moist.
  3. The soil. It is necessary to use nutritive ground, preferably greenhouse, with the addition of clayey-sod, with sawdust or moss sphagnum. In the tub you need a good drainage of expanded clay.
  4. Top dressing. When planting brugmansii add a long-acting fertilizer to the soil, and then 1-2 times a week, fertilize with chicken litter or fertilizer for flowering plants, adding it to the water.
  5. Transfer. In the first year of life, brugmansiyu needs to be transplanted several times. Further, the plant is transplanted at least once a year, and adults - if possible, or simply change the top layer of the soil.
  6. Pruning. Due to the strong pruning, brugmanship can be formed as a beautiful stamping tree. Shoots that appear below the first branch, are removed throughout the year. Shoots located in the flowering zone above the forks are cut to March. Preserve small knobby side branches, growing horizontally, for abundant flowering.
  7. Recreation. Wintering should be at a temperature not lower than + 8 ° C, it is possible in the winter garden or a plant, having well trimmed, bring into the house or cellar.

Brugmansiya: Reproduction

Propagates in the spring cuttings and seeds, less often by layering, since it is very difficult.

Reproduction of brugmansii is easiest to carry out at the beginning of spring by cuttings obtained by trimming:

Burgmanny from seeds sprouts in 1-2 months, but before planting in the ground they should be soaked for 1-2 days in a solution of "Kornevin" or "Heteroauxin". Such brugmansiya will blossom in 2-3 years.

Brugmansiya: diseases and pests

Despite its virulence, brugmansiya on the street suffers from aphids and various caterpillars eating her leaves. To combat them, they recommend using the appropriate drugs.

In the room, the plant becomes infected with gray rot and the spider mite infects it. Infected with gray rot leaves to destroy, and the rest to process the drug Topaz. And against spider mite helps frequent water spraying of leaves and phytophythms. Although care for brugmansiya is not the easiest, but it is increasingly used in gardens, as well as for gardening and decorating offices, terraces, porches and living quarters.