Raspberry treatment in autumn from pests and diseases

Raspberry has a lot of pests and diseases , during the whole season threatening to spoil the harvest. To combat them, you need to process the bushes with a certain periodicity. Thanks to such measures, you will not only get a good harvest this season, but also prepare raspberries for wintering and fruiting next year.

Treatment of raspberries in the fall for the winter from pests

To destroy all harmful insects, in autumn the processing of raspberry bushes should begin with the cleaning of the area around the bushes. This should be done immediately after the harvest is over. To do this, you need to properly cut the shoots, remove the weeds, and dig out the soil superficially.

When all the berries are removed, you can start spraying raspberry with a solution of "Fufanon", diluted in the proportion of 10 ml per 10 liters of water. The consumption of the drug is 1-1.5 liters per 1 bush.

Well-established as a tool "Actellik". It is diluted in the proportion of 2 ml (1 ampoule) per 2 liters of water. The consumption of the finished solution is 1.5 liters for each raspberry bush. You can also use the tablet preparation "Intavir" for the same purposes. For this, the tablet should be diluted in a bucket of water and processed.

Treatment of raspberries in the fall with iron or copper vitriol helps in the fight against lichens and mosses. The solution also needs watering the ground around the bushes.

In general, treating raspberries from pests and diseases is a set of measures that begins with prevention. Reducing the likelihood of raspberry damage by pests and diseases is possible if you constantly monitor the density of shoots, avoiding excessive thickening, timely remove the shoots that have escaped, periodically dig under the soil, monitor the freshness of the mulching layer, remove and burn damaged leaves.

Raspberry shelter for the winter

Completing the autumn proper treatment of raspberries from pests and diseases, you need to properly cover it. To do this, first shoots should be bent to the ground, tied to a wire or cord in one direction at a distance of 30 cm from the surface of the soil. This will help the raspberries to hide under the snow cover and relieve the frosts well.

It is advisable to arrange fences around the raspberry to delay snow and protect it from weathering. In regions with a particularly cold climate, you can cover raspberry bushes with non-woven cover material.

In the spring it is important to remove all these shelters in time, so that raspberry bushes have the opportunity to level and well ventilated to avoid the development of dampness and fungal diseases.