Diet in cholecystitis

Diet with cholecystitis is the element without which your recovery will be very, very difficult. Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder, which provokes difficult digestion of fats. Thus, fatty foods remain banned, so as not to provoke the body to its complex assimilation.

In acute cholecystitis

Diet with exacerbation of cholecystitis is simply necessary, and the patient is always aware of this independently. The fact that improper nutrition can cause deterioration of the condition, and it is easier to observe a restriction for some time than to extend the term of treatment. The foregoing nutrition system is a therapeutic diet number 5 with cholecystitis, which is officially recommended in medicine.

So, the diet for exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis requires the following rules:

  1. It is forbidden to eat anything that can irritate the mucous: meat, chicken and fish broths, liver, kidneys, beans, any sauces, all kinds of sausages and smoked products, any fatty foods, fast food, cold drinks and food, any kind of acidic foods - in that including fruits and berries, sorrel, spinach. Of course, alcohol is not permissible in any case! It is not difficult to guess that all fried foods, as well as stew, should also be excluded.
  2. Strictly observed temperature regime - the food should be warm, pleasant - from 15 to 60 degrees.
  3. Every day you need to eat 5-6 times in small portions.
  4. The menu should include: bread stale or dried, any non-meat soups, lean meat, poultry, fish (steamed or boiled), egg whites omelet, vegetables, except white cabbage, greens, except sorrel and spinach, various fruits and berries.
  5. You can eat porridge, puddings and casseroles from cereals every day.
  6. In the diet, you can add jelly, compotes, jam, jelly and honey.
  7. Every day is worth eating milk or dairy products, for example, cheese, sour cream or yogurt.
  8. Fats in the diet can be present in the form of oils - creamy, olive, sunflower, corn.
  9. It is allowed to drink tea and natural coffee with additives - milk or cream, and also you can afford sweet fruit and berry juices.
  10. From confectionery products you can eat gingerbread, meringue, waffles.

Acute calculous cholecystitis requires a very strict diet, no departure from the prescribed rate is impossible, since it threatens with pain syndrome and worsening of the condition.

Diet with cholecystitis: approximate menu

Whatever diet for cholecystitis was not, sometimes it is difficult to adhere to it, if you do not have an approximate example of its implementation in life. After all, there are a lot of recommendations, and it's hard not to get confused, what can be done and what can not be done.

The diet for chronic, calculous and other cholecystitis involves, first of all, the division of the entire diet into about five meals and a few snacks, each of which should be small. So, let's look at an approximate version of the menu for one day.

  1. Immediately upon awakening, drink a glass of herbal tea or a rose hip broth.
  2. Breakfast: a small portion of a salad of fresh vegetables, a buckwheat serving with one sausage (or oatmeal with dried fruits and nuts), a glass of tea.
  3. The second breakfast: a glass of milk and a sandwich with cheese (or tea with marshmallow).
  4. Lunch: soup dairy (or soup-mashed potatoes, or vegetable, cheese soups), vegetable garnish with a pair of cutlet steamed (or vermicelli with chicken leg).
  5. Dinner: a portion of cottage cheese with fruit, tea.
  6. Before going to bed: a glass of low-fat kefir or ryazhenka.

During the day you are allowed to eat several slices of bread. As you can see, it is important to remove from the diet only fatty and fried foods, and otherwise the food remains quite ordinary.