Ceiling in the toilet - which of the finishes is best suited?

Think about how to trim the ceiling in the toilet, then you should know about the most common materials that have their advantages and disadvantages. It is important to determine the color scheme and options for highlighting to get an excellent design result.

What is the ceiling in the toilet?

Please note that in the toilet room there is plumbing, risers and plumbing, if there is any breakdown, it is important to proceed from the principle of minimal damage to the finish for repair. Selecting a ceiling option in the toilet should be guided by such principles:

  1. The selected material should perfectly resist moisture, not sensitive to condensation and not become a breeding ground for mold and microbes.
  2. The ceiling finish should not block access to the pipes. The chosen option should not make it difficult to lay electrical wiring and ventilation.
  3. Of great importance is the ease of care for the canopy in the toilet. Ideally, if the surface can be cleaned with a damp sponge without performing complex manipulations.
  4. While choosing the material, it is important to consider that it must meet the chosen design and approach the walls and ceiling.
  5. The design of the canopy should not take up much space and do not reduce the height of the room.

Stretch ceiling in the toilet

Gone are the days when stretch ceilings were an expensive treat, so they were used in different rooms, including in the toilet. It is recommended to buy PVC coatings, because they reliably resist the effects of moisture. Matte and glossy ceiling in the toilet perfectly protects against the fungus and reflects up to 80% of the light that hits it, which visually expands the space. The drawback of the stretch ceiling is that it absorbs odors and vapors and does not withstand water pressure when flooded. When deformation, it is necessary to carry out the restoration of the film.

Suspended ceiling in the toilet

If the area of ​​the toilet allows, then it is recommended to use plasterboard for finishing and make a multi-level ceiling. It is important to choose a moisture resistant material. The plasterboard ceiling in the toilet is not deformed even at 90% humidity, it is eco-friendly, has an attractive appearance and is easy to install. Such a finish is not suitable if there are low ceilings in the room, and even when flooding it will have to completely replace the material.

Rack ceiling in the toilet

If you are looking for a spectacular and functional version of the finish, which is also easy to take care of, then you can use the rack ceiling in the toilet , which is made of aluminum or galvanized steel. Such slats do not rust, are fire-hazardous and can be washed without fear of spoiling. Metal panels do not sag or rot. Under them it is easy to hide electrical wiring, which is also an important plus.

Describing which ceiling is best done in the toilet, it is worth noting that this version has a wide range of colors. You can combine matte shades with gold and chrome panels. It should be noted that the material is affordable and the installation of panels is not difficult, so you can handle it yourself. Many people consider it a minus sign that the roof ceiling takes 5-15 cm of height.

Ceiling from the panels in the toilet

Popularity is the use of plastic panels, which help make the room neat and aesthetically attractive. The ceiling of PVC panels in the toilet is not afraid of moisture, it tolerates temperature changes, does not allow the development of mold, and it also turns out perfectly smooth. Panels have different lengths of 25-30 cm and at the side they have locks, which facilitates the installation process. Installation is quick and easy, and still worth noting the affordable price. The drawbacks are that some panels look "cheap" and you can see the connections between the panels, which is uncritical.

Finishing the toilet ceiling with a lining

Classics is the finish of the ceiling with wooden lining. The popularity of this material is due to excellent performance, environmental friendliness, ease of installation, functionality and practicality. Describing which is better to choose a ceiling in the toilet, it is worth pointing out that a wooden lining is one of the most affordable options for the price. Do not worry about high humidity, because thanks to simple impregnation with special means you can get excellent protection. Take into account that you will have to use an additional frame and properly take care of the ceiling.

Mirror ceiling in the toilet

If you want to not only increase the space, but also give the room an originality, then choose mirror panels for the ceiling finish. They have excellent moisture resistance and with a competent laying it is possible not to be afraid of mold. In addition, this option of finishing the ceiling in the toilet visually increases the space, the mirror panels are easy to install and the design is very attractive. Cons are subjective, so, they include high cost and the need to use special care products.

Toilet - how to paint the ceiling?

When choosing the right paint, consider that it should be resistant to moisture and antibacterial properties. Describing what is best to make the ceiling for the toilet, it is worth pointing out that the most popular water-based paints and recommended for its types:

  1. Acrylic. Such compositions are the most popular because they have a low price and perfectly envelop the surface of the ceiling, which is important given the increased humidity.
  2. Latex. Paints of this kind are distinguished by the fact that after drying, a strong film forms on the surface, so the surface is resistant to negative effects of moisture and dirt. It is worth noting that this option is more expensive than acrylic.
  3. Silicone. These are modern and high-quality paints that have a vapor-tight structure. The price for them is quite high.

Decorating the toilet ceiling with wallpaper

One of the simplest and affordable options for decoration - wallpaper gluing. The advantages of this finish include a wide range of colors and patterns, you do not need to create additional frames and you can do the work yourself. The ceiling in a small toilet will cost cheap, so you can regularly change the design, re-gluing wallpaper. What rocks the minuses, then this finish has a low moisture resistance and a tendency to form fungus and mold in toilets with poor ventilation. Another drawback - it is difficult to glue in hard-to-reach places.

Color of the ceiling in the toilet

To choose a color finish, you need to consider the area of ​​the room and the ratio of height to length and width. To visually "increase" the height, use in the bathroom and toilet stretch ceilings or other options for finishing light colors, as well as blue, pink, green and beige. You can stay on the classic, that is, white blooms. For decoration, silver and light metallic shades are allowed. The original alternative is the mirror ceiling in the toilet.

For rooms in which the length and width, small and ceilings seem very high, light colors are not recommended, because the toilet will be as if in a well. The best solution for such rooms is dark colors: blue, purple, dark gray and so on. It is not recommended to use one color for the ceiling and walls, as the room will be uncomfortable.

Lighting the ceiling in the toilet

In any room, in the toilet, including, it is important to think over the lighting that adds value to the situation. In addition, it should be taken into account that there is no window in this room. Using one bulb in the center of the room, this is the last century and there are many original solutions, especially if a curtain ceiling is used in the toilet. It is worth considering these features:

  1. In close rooms it is not recommended to install wall lights, as they can "steal" the right space. It is better to choose ceiling options, for example, several point models or a special illumination located on the perimeter.
  2. An excellent solution is a stained-glass window with a backlight to the ceiling, which not only makes the room lighter, but also adds an originality design. A novelty are the light panels, which can be installed even on the rear wall.
  3. If the area is large, then you can use wall lights, which in most cases are mounted near the mirrors.