Eggshell for the garden

With a vegetable garden, you can use food waste almost entirely for use: for soil fertilization, in combating pests and diseases. It is quite natural that for these purposes, the remains of vegetables and fruits are grown that are grown on the ground. But it is possible to use wastes of animal origin. In this article in detail we will tell how to use the egg shell in the garden.

How is the eggshell useful for the garden?

In order that fruits and vegetables can develop and bear fruit, they must receive from the soil a certain set of nutrients. When there is insufficient quantity of this or that element on the plants, signs of illness begin to appear: loss of color and deformation of foliage, stopping development, etc.

The introduction of an egg shell into the earth helps enrich it with calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, potassium, fluorine, etc. They all fall into the soil in an easily digestible form for plants. Due to this, the growth of the ground part of plants and the germination of seeds are accelerated. In addition, the acidity of the soil decreases and its looseness increases, which has a beneficial effect on its fertility.

How to use the eggshell in the garden?

You can not simply scatter the egg shell around the site, as some fertilizers, for plants it must be "cooked".

If you want to use the shell for fertilizer, you should take it from raw eggs, wash and grind. It can be made coarse grinding, it is enough just to crush it in a mortar, and fine (egg flour), you can achieve this by rubbing it in a coffee grinder.

Larger particles can be added simply during the autumn or spring digging, and smaller ones - during planting directly in the wells under the plants.

Under what plants can you make eggshell?

Egg shell can be used for almost all plant groups, which can be found at the dacha:

To get the effect, even on a small garden it is necessary to make a large amount of ground egg shells (to reduce the acidity of 500 g -1 kg / m2 sup2, as fertilizer - 120-250 g / m2 sup2). Start to collect a valuable product better in winter, when it contains more useful elements.

Egg shell can be used not only in the garden, but also for top dressing home colors.