Clarkia is exquisite - growing out of seeds, rules of planting and care

It is interesting for gardeners to know how cultured the Clarke is, the cultivation of seeds. It is an ornamental annual, with an attractive view. The peculiarity of clarkey is that it blooms for a long time, it pleases the corners with unusual shapes and bright colors.

Clarkia elegant

Decorative clarke is a shrub in the size of 30-90 cm, crowned with terry or simple inflorescences, similar to pink roses of white, pink-red, purple, lilac, orange. Buds are found in monochrome or bicolour with different patches. Clarkijus is often confused with the year , believing that these are two names of one flower. This is a variety of plants, referred to the family kiprejnye. Clarkia and Godecia - the main difference:

  1. The size of the flower: in godecia the corollas are larger and catchy - 5-10 cm in diameter, the flowers of clarkey reach a value of 2.5-3 cm.
  2. Blooms godetsiya longer than clarkey, better tolerates pickings .

Clarkia elegant - cultivation

Methods of breeding Clarkey elegant: growing from seeds by sowing them in the open ground and seedling method. The second option is more common, so you can protect seedlings from temperature spikes, cold rains and frosts. For clarky, elegant growing from seeds at home is used by gardeners who live in a warmer climate. Collected seeds from their own plot will save their varietal qualities, which is of no small importance for florists.

Clarkia flower - planting and care

The main clarke's claim to growing conditions is landing on a sunny platform. In the rest it is unpretentious - it does not fear winds, it easily tolerates spring frosts, prefers neutral or slightly acidic soils. Caring for adult crops obtained from seedlings or in a non-seedlings way is equivalent. It is enclosed in thinning, watering, replenishing, shaping the crown. Clarkia - landing and proper care:

  1. Before sowing for 2 weeks for digging into the site it is desirable to make peat 1 kg and potassium sulfate with superphosphate for 1 tbsp. spoon on m 2 . Acidify the soil can be a solution of citric acid - 1.5 tbsp. spoons for 10 liters of water.
  2. Seeds before soak soak in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for several hours.
  3. When caring for flowers, you need to keep regular watering, but without excess moisture. Produce it when dry days stand or when the soil dries up.
  4. They feed Clarky only with mineral fertilizers twice a month during the budding period, especially in dry weather. For generous flowering, it is possible to introduce wood ash into the ground.
  5. To maintain the ornamentation of the bush, dying leaves and faded buds are removed. When pinching the tops, you can get thicker bushes, but shoots should reach 25 cm in height.
  6. The plants are tall, they are supported by pegs, so that they do not break from the wind.
  7. For the collection of seeds selected faded buds are tied with gauze. Otherwise, the plant can self-seed, so it can also be grown, but in the spring it will be necessary to thin the flower bed from the shoots.

Clarkia, growing out of seeds - when to plant?

Fine clarke, like many annuals, multiplies by seeds. They can be sown directly to the open area in spring or autumn. The timing determines the beginning of flowering:

  1. Autumn (the second decade of September) flowering will give in May - early June. Seeds should not ascend, but even if this happens, they will survive safely under the snow and continue their development in the spring.
  2. Plants of spring reserve (end of April - first decade of May) will bloom in late July.

To approximate the flowering time, many gardeners use a seedling variant of growing an elegant clarkey. The method is popular in the cultivation of terry and hybrid species. When planting Clarkey seedlings: at the end of February - the first half of March, the seeds are sown to obtain young plants. Flowering will come after 2 months and will last until frost. The vegetative period lasts 5 months, during which time the flowers manage to give full seeds, which can be used in the next season.

Clarkia - landing

The sprouting variant of cultivation is characterized by greater labor and waste of time, but justifies itself by early flowering. Planting Clarkey on seedlings and care:

  1. Sow small clarkey seeds in shallow common containers or individual cups.
  2. For seedlings, use a mixture of peat, sand, humus in 1 part with the addition of 2 parts of leaf land.
  3. Seeds are sown in the ground, pressed down with a plate and sprayed from the spray gun.
  4. Capacities are covered with glass and placed in a warm bright place.
  5. After 1-2 weeks there will be shoots, cover material is removed, sprouts thin out.
  6. Seedlings are transplanted into the open ground in the second half of May.
  7. On the site, make holes with a distance of 20-40 cm. Place in the holes the plants extracted from the tanks with a clod of earth. Near each hole, you need to stick a peg - it will serve as a support for Clarkey, when she grows up.

Clarkia - landing and care in the open ground

Correct landing of Clarkey in open ground:

  1. Small clarkey seeds are sown in 4-5 pcs at a distance of 20-40 cm.
  2. In the ground, they can not be deepened - it is better to lightly press down the plaque and sprinkle with the finest tier of soil.
  3. Shoots appear after two weeks, they will need to be weeded out, but it's better not to get carried away - in a dense bush the flowering culture looks more beautiful.