When is it better to spray tomatoes - in the morning or in the evening?

Every gardener who grows seedlings, in any case, several times a season produces her foliar top dressing. And when growing tomatoes, it also makes prevention or treatment for fungal diseases. But not everyone knows how to properly spray, so as not to damage seedlings and not reduce yields.

Experienced truck farmers highly recommend spraying tomatoes with a solution of boric acid . Thanks to such processing, it is possible to accelerate the ovaries and ripening of fruits that have already formed. Still - this is an excellent foliar top dressing.

How correctly to spray tomatoes?

Not enough time to spray tomatoes, you need to do it right and right, so as not to harm them. When making the next spraying, carefully make sure that the tip is not less than half a meter from the plants themselves and do not hold it for long in one place. Spray should be small drops.

During a very strong wind, before the rain or immediately after it, spraying the plants is not recommended. If you decide to spray your tomatoes in the morning, wait until the dew dries.

All solutions must be used on the day of their preparation. Before cooking, carefully read the instructions, strict observance of the concentration is very important. If you are making a suspension or emulsion, remember that they need to be thoroughly mixed and filtered.

Spray the tomatoes - in the morning or in the evening?

At which time of day it is better to spray tomatoes, the question is controversial. Basically, it depends on the purpose of the spraying and on the preparation that you will use. Usually, all chemical preparations are recommended to be used in the evening or even in the late evening. And spray plants with solutions of "folk medicine" can be at any convenient time - both in the morning and in the evening.