The smallest cat in the world

People have long had a love for cats. Some like cats of large breeds, others prefer small cats. Let's find out which breed of cats is considered the smallest in the world.

Breeds of small cats

  1. The smallest breed of a domestic cat is recognized throughout the world by singapore . It happened from the Singaporean stray animals. This rare animal differs from other cats with a short silky coat. The cat's body is dense and muscular. The female Singapura weighs about two kilograms, the male - about three.
  2. Another variety of small cats - munchkin . They are also called cats-dachshunds because their paws are much shorter than all the other cats.
  3. The weight of another small domestic cat, Devon Rex , is not more than four kilograms. He has big eyes and ears, and the coat is short and wavy.
  4. From the crossing of the Sphinx and Munchkin, a breed of small cats Minskin was bred. Her hair is like cashmere. Another artificially bred breed of a small cat, boredom, was obtained from the crossing of the Munchkins and La Perms. These cats are distinguished by a fluffy tail and curly hair.
  5. A distinctive feature of the dwarf bobtail or Scythian-tai-dong is its tail, similar to a pompomchik. These cats are playful and friendly. The weight of adult animals ranges from 900 grams to 2.5 kg.
  6. Small cats are not only domestic, but also wild. The smallest of them is a rusty cat , also called spotted-red. The weight of an adult varies from one to one and a half kilograms.
  7. Well, and the record among the smallest cats was a cat named Mr. Peebles, who lives in Illinois. This striped smooth-haired cat, on the legs of his white socks. His body is 15 cm long, not taking into account the tail, and the weight is 1.5 kg. It fits perfectly in a conventional glass.