How to learn the breed of a cat?

If you became a happy owner of a kitten without documents (picked it up on the street, taken in good hands from friends or from a shelter), then the question arises how to find out the breed of a cat. The algorithm of this definition will help those who want to buy a thoroughbred kitten from strangers, and not in the nursery (where too high prices may be), and is afraid to be deceived.

Kitten without documents

However, before you happily assign to your pet the title of pedigreed cat, several factors should be considered. Firstly, not all the outward signs of the breed inherent in adult cats and cats can be manifested in small kittens. With growth, the color, the size and shape of the ears, the size and thickness of the paws can often vary slightly. Also, many unscrupulous sellers, wishing to earn more on a thoroughbred kitten, independently give him signs that were not originally inherent in the exterior of this animal. So, there are a lot of stories about how the sphinxes acquire wool in a few months after purchase, and the paint is washed off the rocks with the strange coloring. Secondly, even if you correctly defined the breed of your cat, without documents and pedigree, it nevertheless can not be considered thoroughbred, participate in exhibitions or give thoroughbred, expensive kittens . Therefore, if you take a kitten for these purposes, it is better to go to a specialized nursery, where you will be given all the documents, and not tormented by how to use the test to find out the breed of the cat.

Instruction for determining the breed of cats

If you still want to know which breed your pet belongs to, you should take a close-up photo of the paws, ears and tail of the cat and carefully study the pictures. Do not leave aside the character of the kitten, because many breeds differ in a certain degree of friendliness or aggressiveness, playfulness or calmness, independence or love of the people's society. Also important is the color of the kitten. The easiest way to begin is with how to recognize the cat's breed in color. Directory can serve as the Internet or a special atlas with breeds of cats. In the same place you will find a detailed description of each of them and, comparing them with the photos of your pet's body parts, you will be able to assume with great probability the breed of the kitten or what breeds his parents treated. If you still doubt, then you can ask for advice from experts, for example, workers of the nearest cat's nursery. They will help dispel doubts and accurately determine what kind of breed kitten you got.