Figs - good and bad for the body

Considering the question, what is the use and harm of figs for the body, it should be said that it is one of the most mysterious fruits in the world. Far from all our compatriots know this strange fruit, but many know the useful properties of the dried product. Sweet fruits bring to our country from Armenia, China, Uzbekistan and Turkey. The useful qualities of this product is known not only in traditional medicine, traditional medicine also recommends eating this fruit. Let's find out what is the use of figs for women, to whom this fruit will be particularly useful?

Properties and benefits of figs

According to dieticians, this fruit is a real storehouse of vitamins and useful components for the human body. Speaking about the benefits of figs for the body, it should be noted that it has a positive effect on the digestive system, which is achieved due to the high content of cellulose in it.

If we talk about the benefits and harm of figs in pregnancy, we should mention its ability to remove toxins from the body. It is enough to eat several fruits of this fruit before the main meal, so that your digestive system starts to work properly, and also contribute to accelerate the absorption of nutrients by the body. In addition, this technique contributes to the rapid strengthening of bone tissue.

According to experts, it is extremely useful to conduct treatment with the help of figs, and it is recommended to do this with a monthly interval. Such a schedule is meant for people who have creative professions - musicians, writers, artists, as well as all those engaged in intellectual work. This can be explained by the fact that dried figs contribute to the accelerated development of creative thinking . Today, the benefits of dried figs are proven in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, including:

  1. Inflammatory processes of the oral cavity and angina. For these purposes, use a decoction of dried fruit or a mixture of figs and milk.
  2. At an elevated body temperature. Dried figs lead to a strong sweating, while having an antibacterial effect on the body.
  3. It also proved the beneficial effect of figs on the work of the kidneys and stomach.
  4. Before the dried fruits of figs, also attacks of hypertension also recede, since this fruit is able to have a diuretic effect.
  5. Figs also support the cardiovascular system, due to the fact that the composition of this fruit has a large amount of potassium, as well as substances that contribute to the removal of spasms in the vessels, while lowering blood pressure.
  6. The tremendous benefit of this fetus in the presence of a tendency to form blood clots, as the action of the product contributes to the liquefaction of blood, with the constant use of figs on the walls of the vessels there is a resorption of already existing thrombi.
  7. Regular consumption of dried figs in food contributes to getting rid of constipation, as this product has a high laxative effect.

Drying of dried figs

Speaking about the beneficial properties of this product, we can not fail to mention its harm. Also, like any other product, figs can cause in some cases a negative reaction of the body. It is recommended to exclude from the diet in the event that a person has diabetes , as well as bowel disease and pancreatitis. Figs are also contraindicated in obesity and obesity, as it is a fairly high-calorie dried fruit. Figs are not recommended for use during a long trip, since it has a laxative effect.