Purulent sore throat in children treatment

Because of the weakened immunity in children, purulent tonsillitis often develops. Her pathogens are streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci or adenoviruses. They can live for a long time in the child's body and not show themselves in any way. But it is necessary for the kid to overcool, to wet his feet or sit in a draft, as the microbes are immediately activated, and the inflammatory process begins. Infection can get into the body and from a sick person. Usually it happens by airborne droplets, less often through toys and general household items. Purulent angina, especially in young children, manifests itself as a very insidious disease. Very often there are complications, due to the fact that the disease is not cured.

What does purulent angina look like?

Symptoms of purulent sore throat in children are quite fast. It all starts with a chill. Later the temperature rises to 40 degrees and the following signs appear:

Sometimes purulent angina occurs without temperature. This does not mean that it is less dangerous. Her treatment must be taken very seriously.

How to treat a sore throat with a sore throat?

First of all, the patient is bed rest. And also, as always at a high temperature, a plentiful drink. You can give a weak tea, milk, but it is better if it is a decoction of chamomile or an infusion of dogrose. Any drink should be warm, not cold and not hot, namely warm. This is very important, since the optimum temperature will not irritate the sore throat.

Nutrition with angina purulent should be gentle. It is desirable to grind all the food in mashed potatoes. So the patient will be easier to swallow, and the neck will hurt less. Like drinking, food should not be hot. There is one folk remedy that helps to cope with angina. Cook strong chicken broth without salt and spices. Give it to your baby for the day. Drink follows small sips. Broth is even recommended to use after surgery to remove tonsils. It is both nutritious and helps healing.

Doctors with purulent angina prescribe antibiotics. This helps prevent serious complications. About what exactly drugs to use, it is better to consult a doctor. One can only say that biseptolom is indispensable here. Most often appoint ampiox. Antibiotics are taken within 10 days, regardless of whether there is a temperature or symptoms.

Along with antibiotics prescribe antihistamines. For example, suprastin, tevegil, fenkarol, diazolin or claritine. They not only reduce the likelihood of allergies, but also increase the effect of antibiotics. With angina still advised to take supplemental vitamin C.

When purulent angina is useful as often as possible to do irrigation and gargle. And also it is necessary to lubricate the tonsils with Lugol solution with glycerol. Do not try to tear off the plaque, so you will only harm the child. Rinse throat with purulent sore throat should be done once an hour. Use for this broth chamomile or marigold. Or dilute in a glass of water a teaspoon of salt or soda.

The consequences of purulent sore throat can be very serious. So do not let the disease run its course, but seriously and seriously approach treatment.