Conspiracy that her husband did not drink

Alcohol addiction is a common problem and the drinking husband is a grief in the family. In this situation, all close people suffer, so it is important to find a way to get rid of the problem. Considering the options how to do so that the husband does not drink, it is worthwhile to offer conspiracies, which are used in ancient times. Rituals must be performed during the period of the waning moon and on men's days, that is, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. It is important not to tell anyone about the use of magic and even the spouse.

Conspiracy in the photo so that her husband does not drink

The picture must be taken before the ritual, so that it has fresh energy. In addition, it is necessary to prepare three church candles and holy water. At sunset, light the candles and put them in front of you in a row. Put a photo of your husband next to her and sprinkle it with holy water, telling a plot to drink alcohol so that your husband does not drink:

"Lord God is Holy, help me! I want to remove dependence on the servant of God (name), Conspiracy from drinking, Make him drink, win it from alcohol . To vodka nasty in the throat he did not go, To her from him as a demon ran away, In addition to the water, water did not go to him anything! My word is strong and mighty, my word is law for the servant of God (name). Amen!"

Conspiracy repeat three times, and then, hide the photo in a secret place, so that no one can find it. The ritual will begin to act almost immediately after the event. If the results did not appear in a month, then you should repeat it again.

A strong conspiracy so that my husband does not drink at the cemetery

Many believe that cemetery rituals are black magic, but there are also white rituals that do no harm to anyone. To carry it out, you need to take a bottle of your favorite alcoholic beverage and go to the cemetery. It is important to stop in front of the cemetery gates and wait for the first funeral procession to pass. After that, you should say these words:

"As a deceased person who is dead, he does not live among people on earth, so my husband is my beloved, the slave of God (the name of the husband) does not drink bad drunk any more. Amen".

Right after that, it's worth going home without turning around and talking to no one. At home, place the bottle so that the husband can find it and drink it himself. You can not offer alcohol to your spouse. From the moment he drinks, the ritual will begin to work. Repeat the cemetery ritual can not even if it turned out to be ineffective.