What to do with the consecrated willow?

The tradition to bind a willow on a holiday, called Palm Sunday, has been preserved for many years. For the Slavs, this tree has always had a special meaning, so it involves a lot of superstitions and rituals. Since it was the first vertebrae that "wakes up" after the winter, it was considered a symbol of rebirth and enlightenment.

What to do with the consecrated willow?

After the branches have been sanctified they can be used for different rituals:

  1. The verba is used to beat other people on the back with the words "Verboshlest, beat to tears". In this way a person sends happiness and health.
  2. On Palm Sunday it is customary to bake pies with kidneys of consecrated willows. It was believed that such baking is curative, and it will help get rid of various diseases.
  3. According to the existing information, if you eat several pussy-willows, you can get rid of the fever. They are also useful for women who have problems with conception.
  4. The sacred willow was used to prepare the powder, which helped to increase the healing speed of the wound.
  5. If you tie a consecrated twig to your head, you can get rid of the headache.
  6. The next day after Palm Sunday it was customary to drive out the cattle grazing. In this way, the animal is sent health and fertility.
  7. Sanctified in the church, the willow has magical powers. Our ancestors believed that if you throw a twig against the wind, but you can stop the thunder, rain and other bad weather.
  8. If you respectfully refer to twigs, they can help in solving problems and in realizing desires. To do this, they need to be put in a beautiful vase, regularly change the water and talk with the willow, as with a live one.
  9. When the twigs begin to dry up, they need to be thanked for help and burned away from home.
  10. If the willow has taken root, then it is best to plant it near the house, and it will be an excellent amulet for the family.