Rest room in the bath

Bath is one of the most common ways to cleanse the human body in Russia. Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, but to this day there are real connoisseurs of this type of hygienic procedures, which are trembling to them and faithfully revere the established canons. A person in a bath does not just wash himself, he rests, skillfully combining a visit to a steam room, a font and a rest room. Having your own bath, you can create a comfortable interior yourself, which will provide the maximum degree of relaxation.

Decoration in the recreation room

The interior decoration of the relaxation room in the bath can be made of any moisture-resistant materials, such as tiles, plastic panels or MDF panels . However, it looks best when all rooms are made of wooden canvases. It is an environmentally friendly material that has a pleasant smell and a beneficial effect on the human body.

The interior of the rest room in the bathhouse should be chosen on the basis of minimalism and necessity. There everything should be only the most necessary things that may be needed. From the furniture in the bath-room rest can be a table, as the main attribute of the interior, benches or chairs, stools, trestle, on which you can take a nap after the steam room. Real connoisseurs of history perform an interior in the ethnic style, which implies the execution of furniture in the recreation room of a Russian bath exclusively of wood. Embroidered curtains on the windows are a wonderful addition to it. Many connoisseurs, in order to feel as part of the history as possible, even decide to install a samovar. Very close to this style is the bath style of the interior in the recreation room, which is called eco-eclecticism. It also implies the use of environmentally friendly materials and perfectly combines a variety of style items and attributes. The bath first of all is to go for health, which is difficult to get surrounded by plastic and glued chips.

But there are those connoisseurs of bath traditions, whose more modern views are aimed at the interior of the rest room, the furniture of which can be made of soft leather, quality fabric.