Zygocactus: care

The most popular is the zigokaktus truncated or chopped off. The plant belongs to the genus of low epiphytic cacti. This species has articulate shoots, at the ends of which grow red flowers. Flowers can be not only red, there are also white, cream, pink. Often on the windows you can meet a Christmas cactus. This flower pleases with its flowering in December-January. Also, it is called a hybrid of a truncated zigokaktusa and cactus sloambergers.

How to care for zigokaktusom?

Location. To care for the zygocactus, select a window with scattered sunlight. If the window is too much illuminated, the plant can slow growth, and the edges of the stems turn yellow. The perfect place near the window in the shadow of the curtains.

Temperature. This plant relatively tolerates almost any temperature regime in the range from 2 ° C to 38 ° C, but it is best to ensure 30 ° C for growth and good flowering.

Watering. This type of cactus is not so juicy as the rest. Therefore, care for the zigokaktusom assumes a regime of watering for deciduous plants. The next watering is carried out after the top lump is dried. To prevent waterlogging on the bottom should be good drainage.

The soil. The most suitable for this plant will be organic peat soil. To avoid pests and diseases, soil should be selected light and breathable.

Reproduction. Reproduction of the zigokactus is carried out by cuttings, which have 2-3 segments. As a rule, cuttings can easily root in any period of the year, so the reproduction of the zigokactus should not cause problems. After cutting, the cuttings should be slightly dried and placed in moist soil, but not deepened. Top cover with a glass jar and periodically air.

Fertilizer. This plant is unpretentious in feeding. At home, it is enough to fertilize every six months. The best thing a water-soluble mixture of nitrogen with potassium and phosphorus is suitable. A month before buds are formed, the feeding is stopped.

Zygocactus does not bloom: what's the matter?

Florists appreciate this plant for its beautiful flowering. But what if your zigokactus does not bloom for a long time? In this case, experts advise slightly to change the growing conditions. It is possible that it is worthwhile to provide the flower with a cool and shade, to shorten watering. And then again to return to heat and strengthen watering, but to touch the plant after that it is impossible at all. Try to change the soil, perhaps it is too nutritious.