How to spray tomatoes from phytophthora?

Oh, this is a cunning disease! How many chemicals and methods gardeners have not thought of, and the question remains open to this day. The problem is that prevention is much easier, but it is important to understand the root cause and start work from the fall. When all the actions were in vain, one must resort to spraying. And here already everyone decides the degree of danger himself, giving preference to folk or industrial preparations. Quite exactly, the answer to the question, whether it is necessary to spray tomatoes from phytophthora, will be affirmative, but only it should be done competently. All summer residents have divided into two camps for a long time: one prefers exclusively national recipes, while others prefer radical chemical methods.

Protection of tomatoes from phytophthora folk remedies

Let's get acquainted with the list of the most famous and time-tested recipes for planting:

  1. One of the most gentle methods is cooking salt. But it suits only for the initial stage. As soon as the first spoiled fruits are noticed, it is important to remove them together with the foliage in a short time. Then in a ten-liter bucket we are brewing a glass of salt. This is the most environmentally friendly of all, than you can even sprinkle tomatoes: you simply make a film or a touch of salt from the phytophthora, thereby creating a barrier to the fungus.
  2. An interesting solution, than it is supposed to spray tomatoes in the greenhouse, is to infuse the garlic from the phytophthora. It turns out that his fungus also does not favor. This is perfect for a summer with a lot of precipitation and high humidity as a consequence. Your task is to crush the heads of garlic and mix them with potassium permanganate: about a half cup of this good is bred in a bucket of water. Up to five times a season every two weeks, the approximate rate.
  3. Often in the lists of prescriptions to protect tomatoes folk remedies contain serum and iodine from phytophthora. Milk whey is bred in half with water and from the beginning of the hottest period, approximately from July, you can safely handle planting. If the serum was not found, it is replaced with milk and also diluted with water, adding 15 drops of iodine. Everything is designed for a bucket of water.

Phytophthora on tomatoes and treatment with chemical preparations

Before spraying tomatoes with industrial preparations from phytophthora, it is important to remember one simple truth. Everything in this world adapts and the fungus is no exception. If you decide the issue radically, you will have to immediately purchase several types, as the fungus is adapted and for the second season the chemical purchased earlier may be powerless.

Conventionally, all chemical preparations for the treatment of phytophthora are divided into biological products and fungicides for tomatoes. The first group is considered a safer option. The essence of what: you plant the drug and the bacteria in it begin to multiply actively, getting to the affected place they destroy the fungus. There are so-called biological fungicides and bactericides. This means a new generation, they are much safer for health, but no less active than aggressive chemicals.

Therefore, it is worth considering how it is worth fighting against phytophthora with fungicides on tomatoes. Phytophthora fungus is very insidious and it is not a fact that it will be vulnerable, but our health will definitely be shaken from large doses of chemistry. Among them most often come up the names of Kvardis, Hom, Ditan and Bravo. But the use of the familiar Bordeaux liquid or copper chloride also has not been canceled by anyone.

What exactly is worth using, you decide. But it is always better to prevent the problem than to seek its solution at an already dangerous stage for the harvest. And before sprinkling tomatoes from phytophthors with chemicals, it is worth trying in the earliest stages to turn to gentle and harmless to humans methods.