Teeth whitening with activated charcoal

A snow-white, radiant smile is the dream of many women and men, but the natural whiteness of teeth today is almost a luxury, given the dyes in food. To avoid yellowing of the teeth, people have to either follow a diet in which there are no colorants, or visit regularly a dentist who does everything to make the tooth enamel thinner, but it is white.

Can I whiten my teeth myself?

All these methods can be called extreme, and many people do not like them for various reasons. And then folk remedies come to help, which look sparing - do not spoil the enamel as much as dental preparations, and do not limit the intake of food as much as a rigid diet.

But for teeth whitening even at home, not all means are good - soda scratches the enamel, and this leads to its thinning and the feeling of "cold" and "hot." Hydrogen peroxide , another popular bleaching agent, is also not suitable, since a weak concentration does not lead to a result, and can make the teeth even more yellow (thinning enamel is sensitive to the penetration of coloring particles, and this provides a persistent effect of yellow teeth in the future). But if hydrogen peroxide is used with a high concentration percentage, it helps to bleach, which is combined with the sensitivity of the teeth.

Thus, even among home-made bleaching products the choice is small, and the most sparing and effective consider activated carbon.

Activated charcoal for teeth - harm and benefit

Cleaning teeth with activated carbon has both advantages and disadvantages.

Disadvantages of bleaching with activated charcoal can be called that this tool also traumatizes enamel. But not so strong as to cause the sensitivity of enamel, and therefore even with such a lack, the remedy can be considered acceptable.

The fact is that activated carbon is a soft substance which, upon contact with water, softens and crumbles into small particles, and then does not pose a particular threat because of grains - they are too small to damage the enamel qualitatively. Thus, the action of activated carbon is mild, and therefore is evaluated positively.

Another drawback of activated carbon is that it blackens teeth during use, is clogged into the interdental space, and it is difficult to clean it. But additional rinsing and brushing of teeth solves this problem.

Does activated charcoal bleach teeth?

The advantage of activated carbon is an instantaneous result. After first use, the teeth are whitened for several tones. Subsequent application does not bring such an obvious effect, simply because natural bleaching has occurred qualitatively, and dissolve the enamel to extreme whiteness is not in the power of activated carbon.

How to clean teeth with activated charcoal?

Before bleaching the teeth with activated charcoal, determine if the gingiva is bleeding. If so, then use the first recipe, and if the gum is okay, you can use a more effective second prescription.

Use activated charcoal as a bleaching agent for teeth can be daily for a month in the morning and in the evening.

Prescription of teeth whitening with activated charcoal №1

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Apply toothpaste on the toothbrush.
  2. On top, sprinkle it with charcoal, previously soaked in water.
  3. Then brush your teeth for 7 minutes, paying attention to all areas of the oral cavity.

The recipe for teeth whitening with coal №2

This method is more efficient than the first:

  1. Apply the crushed activated carbon to the toothbrush, and start brushing your teeth.
  2. Give it about 5 minutes, and then rinse your mouth and brush your teeth with a paste.

If you use a whitening paste , the effect will be even better.