Biotagogue of eyebrows with henna

Following the mehendi, a new method of coloring the eyebrows with henna is gaining popularity. Many women have already appreciated the undoubted advantages of this technology - the naturalness of the composition used, its beneficial effect on hairs, firmness and impeccable results. Biotatuage of eyebrows with henna by the method of execution is almost the same as usual coloring by means of chemical mixtures, but it lasts longer and does not adversely affect even the sensitive skin.

What are the characteristics of staining the eyebrows with henna or biotatuazha?

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the composition that is applied to the skin and hairs. In biotatuazhe used not ordinary henna, giving a bright red tint, and not a mixture for mehendi, as it could be assumed. This method of staining involves the use of a special agent that contains the following pigmenting ingredients:

The listed components have a completely natural origin, contribute not only to giving the hair a stable and saturated color, but strengthen them, protect them from the negative influence of external factors, eliminate porosity.

Additional henna for biotatuazha contains:

These additives do not harm the eyebrows in any way, they serve to give the hairs the color they need, and also to prolong the effect after the procedure.

So, the advantages of this technique:

There are not so many shortcomings:

How long does biotatuage of eyebrows with henna?

Persistence of coloring composition depends on several factors:

  1. Type of skin. With increased activity of the sebaceous glands, the pigment disappears faster.
  2. Preparation. Experts recommend that before the session, scrub the skin of the eyebrows to make these areas more susceptible to staining.
  3. Compliance with restrictions. It is important not to wash in the first day after the procedure, and in the future to avoid visiting the sauna, bath, use of peeling and scrub.
  4. Care. You can fix the result and prolong it by daily lubricating the eyebrows with natural vegetable oil - castor (cosmetic), almond, burdock or olive.

On average, biotagging lasts about 2 weeks, but this indicator can vary from 7 to 30 days.

Can I biota my eyebrows with henna at home?

The described technique of staining is quite simple, therefore its self-conduct is completely permissible.

Before doing biotatuazh eyebrows at home, it is important to master some skills in giving them the correct form, subsequent correction. The process itself is no different from the use of conventional paint. Pigmentation should be begin with the outer edges of the eyebrows, increasing the thickness to the bridge of the nose.

A mixture for staining is preferably purchased in a specialized store or beauty salon. The best compositions:

It is noteworthy that there are many different shades of this henna. This allows you to choose the perfect and most natural color.