Comb with ionization

Every woman wants to have beautiful well-groomed hair. An important component of hair care is their combing. Unfortunately, many ladies notice that the hair is confused during the procedure, excessively frayed , break off. It's no secret that in many ways combing depends on the quality of the comb.

The action of the ionizing comb

It is very useful for combing the comb with ionization. It is generally known that electricity accumulates in the hair, especially when wearing headdresses in the autumn-winter period. In this case, the positively charged ions formed cause the magnetization of the hair and the loss of its healthy form. A hair brush with ionization helps to solve this problem. This is due to the presence of a special device that generates, when heated, a stream of negative oxygen ions that safely neutralize the static voltage. In addition, the resulting ion flow has a beneficial effect on the epidermis of the scalp and on the outer layer of hair, restoring their structure.

The device of a comb with ionization

The brush teeth with ionization are made of a material that does not have joints, therefore, having a super smooth surface, they slide over the hair, smoothing the hair cuticles. The brush is equipped with an ergonomic handle. The button located on the handle allows the device to turn on and off. When you turn on the device produces a pronounced smell of ozone. Comb with the ionization function works from standard finger batteries or from the network, the indicator will show when a recharge is necessary. Care for it is extremely simple: the brush is washed off from the device in a soapy solution.

Comb with ionization: the pros and cons

Of course, a brush with ionization is more expensive than a conventional comb, so every woman is interested in knowing what the advantages of this device are for caring for your own hair.

  1. Static electricity is eliminated on the hair.
  2. The cut ends of the hair are sealed, and roughness is smoothed over them.
  3. In the hair, moisture is stored, so the curls after the procedure are soft and shiny.
  4. Reduces the time for drying hair.
  5. Unpleasant smells, for example, tobacco smoke are eliminated.
  6. Less often you have to wash your hair.
  7. The comb is easy to use and compact enough: it can be carried with you in a handbag.

The disadvantage of the device is that the hair lose volume, especially if they are combed too often. It is also important to follow the advice of manufacturers not to comb wet hair , because in this case the procedure does not give the proper effect. In addition, it is not safe: it can cause an electric shock.

How to choose a comb with ionization?

The choice of hair is affected by the type of hair. For thicker hair, it is better to purchase appliances with more power, for thin and weakened - with less.

One of the factors of choice is the shape of the product. A flat brush is suitable for combing hair. A round fen-brush with ionization is intended for hot stowage, combined with the ionization process. The hairbrush adds volume to the roots, straightens the hair or creates curls. Fen-brushes are available in different sizes: a hairbrush with a large diameter forms large curls, with small diameter - small curls. Recently, hairdryers and stylers with ionization appeared on sale. They are able to create curly locks, while not overdrying or damaging the hair.

To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to use a brush with ionization daily. A modern device will be a wonderful gift for a woman of any age!