Shovel for the lazy

Any gardener or amateur horticulturist will find such simple tools as a shovel and pitchfork. And those who today do not have modern motorized machinery for cultivating the land are forced to dig out their site from year to year by hand.

But, as they say, "the goal is fiction", and our man will always find a way to make his life easier. Many people know about the homemade instrument, which is popularly called a shovel for the lazy. Today, industrial production of such shovels has already been established, and anyone can buy such an interesting unit. It is called a shovel for lazy "mole", "super-shovel" or "shovel-ripper". What is good about this tool?

Shovel for the lazy - advantages

So, let's find out what this shovel differs from usual and what are its obvious advantages:

  1. First, and most importantly, it significantly increases productivity. Since the width of such a tool is twice that of a standard shovel or fork, the time spent on digging a site is cut by half. Agree that this is important!
  2. Secondly, according to time, the physical effort that a person applies during the loosening of the soil also decreases. Here it is not necessary to turn the clods - the earth loosens with the help of forks and a counter-instrument.
  3. Thirdly, people of retirement age and those who have problems with the spine , note that it is easier to dig a lazy for lazy people, since there is no such burden on the back. The reason for this is that the effort to dig up the soil with a miracle-shovel should be applied not upwards, but down.
  4. And fourthly, such a tool enters the soil more easily, since the foot rest is above the frame.

How to make a shovel for lazy hands?

And for those who are interested in making a shovel for lazy hands, there is a drawing and detailed instructions.


  1. First, you need to prepare a frame for the structure. The easiest option is to take the frame from an old baby stroller or sled. If these are not available, it will be necessary to arm the welding inverter and a metal square profile. The side of the frame is approximately 60 cm, it can be made square or rectangular (in this case, struts are needed for strength in the corners).
  2. Then one of the main steps is to select the forks. Metal for them should be strong and firm, it is desirable to take rods made of high-carbon steel. Keep in mind: although the shovel is for the lazy and resembles a pitchfork, but the teeth of ordinary pitchfork do not fit here. They are soft enough and will quickly bend.
  3. Another important element of the shovel is the so-called counter-instrument. This knot is designed to break the clods of land raised up by the pitchfork. The oblique contra-angles should be directed at an angle of 45 ° to the ground - this will alleviate the effort exerted by breaking the lumps. There is no longer any need to use high-strength steel, nor is conventional stainless steel. The teeth of the opposing tool are located every 5-6 cm, and the overall width of the knot is approximately 50 cm.
  4. The lever mechanism of the homemade miracle-shovel "mole" is easy is made of U-shaped fasteners from the wheels of the washing machine. They will need 2 - for the frame and for the holder of the handle. Both fasteners must be welded so that all 4 of their holes are arranged in a row.
  5. If you want, you can add to the design and the rear support, which will equalize the depth of loosening. This support will serve as a T-shaped fastener welded in the middle to the back of the frame.
  6. Finally, you can buy a new one, or you can use any handle from an old unnecessary garden tool.
  7. Paint the shovel in any nice color - and your tool is ready to go!