How to build a dovecote?

The arrangement of the dovecote for people enthusiastic about the occupation is very pleasant in all respects. Experts of the case argue that the construction of a dovecot in some way a simplified version of the arrangement of his home.

How to build a pigeon house?

First of all, you should choose a place to build. If the territory of your site has sandy-clay soil, it will be an ideal place. With regard to placement in relation to the sides of the world, it is better to deploy the dovecot with a facade to the south or east. Before you build a pigeon house, you should determine the breeds of pigeons that I will live in it:

As for calculating the size of the pigeon loom, we will start from the size of its inhabitants. For heavy rocks, a dwelling should be built in such a size that one person would have about 1 m². If in the pigeon house more light breeds live, then 0.75 m² is enough. For the convenience of servicing the pigeon and the comfort of birds, the height should be about 2 meters.

Building a dovecote: tips

Before construction, it is necessary to think through the design according to all the rules and to put sketches or drawings on paper, then it will be easier to reproduce it from building materials. Here are some rules how to build a pigeon house: