Mucus in the feces of an adult

Mucus in the feces of an adult is always present. These light or transparent gel-like excretions consist mainly of epithelial cells and leukocytes. In small amounts, they are necessary for the normal functioning of the intestine. But if you are in the stool of an adult there is a lot of mucus - this may indicate the presence of pathology.

The causes of mucus in the feces

Transparent or white mucus in the stool in an adult testifies to functional or organic lesions of the intestine, mainly distal sections. Most often this phenomenon is a protective reaction to irritation of intestinal walls by pathogenic microorganisms or foreign substances. Slime in this case serves as a kind of lubricant, which contributes to their faster elimination.

Yellow mucus in the feces of an adult is a symptom of hemorrhoids and polyps. With her help, the body prevents damage to the mucous membrane. Slime in the form of dense transparent or yellow films and ribbon-like strands testifies to membranous colitis. Also, this phenomenon is often observed in the violation of absorption of various foods, supercooling in the pelvic region and during a prolonged intake of antibiotics that destroy the beneficial microflora.

A large amount of mucus or even mucus instead of feces in an adult can appear and with such diseases as:

Mucus in feces is normal

In some cases, visible white, yellow or brown mucus in the feces of an adult can appear and is normal. Very often it happens in the common cold and colds. This phenomenon is associated with the fact that mucus from the airways always flows down the esophagus and, getting into the intestine, is excreted by the calves.

It is also perfectly normal when mucus appears with excessive use of various foods: oatmeal, cottage cheese, watermelons or bananas. Mucus in feces is a normal reaction of the body to cardinal changes in the diet and regular drinking of raw water from an untested source.

Methods of getting rid of mucus in the feces of an adult

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out why mucus appeared in the feces of an adult. If this is due to intestinal infectious diseases, then you need to take nitrofuran preparations:

The reason for the appearance of mucus - viral intestinal lesions? In the treatment use Kipferron, Viferon and various means for rehydration (Regidron or Hydrovit). If you have irritable bowel syndrome, then the therapy is symptomatic. It must necessarily include a diet, any antispasmodics and funds for constipation (with delays in the stool).

If the examination showed that the blood mucus in the feces of an adult is not a symptom of ischemic colitis or bleeding in the digestive tract, then antiseptics (for example, furazolidone, enterofuril, Vancomycin) and probiotics (Linex, Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin) will help to get rid of this phenomenon.

If an adult has been diagnosed with parasitic infections, Metronidazole or Tinidazole should be used in treatment. In the fight against helminths apply:

You have dramatically changed the diet and noticed mucus in the stool? To get rid of it, you should eat balanced and regular. And those who have had oncological processes in the intestine, in the shortest time necessary to carry out rapid tumor removal and chemotherapy or radiation therapy.