Herpes in the nose

Painful semitransparent vesicles are an external manifestation of herpes. Most often, herpetic eruptions are located on the lips, but other areas of the skin and mucous membranes, including the epithelium of the nasal passages, can be affected by the virus. And with herpes on the nasal mucosa, the sensation of pain is stronger than on the lips. The article reveals the main symptoms and approaches to the treatment of herpes in the nose.

Symptoms of herpes in the nose

It should be noted that the herpes virus first affects the internal tissues of the nose, and only then manifests itself externally. The most pronounced sign that herpes should appear in the nose is swelling and painful irritation in the nasal passages. In addition, itching may occur. If a person has already had a herpetic eruption before, there should be no doubt - it is herpes, which for the time being lurked and did not manifest itself at all, but with a decrease in immunity activated.

The rashes inside the nose are no different from the rash on the lips: small bubbles are covered with skin, and when it bursts, a clear liquid oozes out from under it. In a consequence the inflamed places ulcerate, and later - heal.

Often, herpes is accompanied by a runny nose, headache, a slight increase in temperature due to the fact that lowered immunity simultaneously provokes a cold.

How to treat herpes in the nose?

The question of how to cure herpes in the nose, is especially relevant for those who have rashes several times a year.

General recommendations for the treatment of viral disease are as follows:

1. Use antiviral drugs in the form of cream, powder, injectable solutions, tablets:

2. Use immunomodulating agents and vitamin complexes to increase the body's defenses.

3. For the prompt elimination of traces from the revealed sores and ulcers:

You can use other creams with wound-healing effect.

In addition to the main therapy, folk remedies are used that soften the symptoms of herpes and accelerate the healing process. Most often in the treatment of affected areas as auxiliaries are used:

If the herpes in the nose does not last long, and the rashes do not stop, you can use the preparations prepared according to the recipes of Slavic healers. We offer the most effective compositions.

External remedy based on birch buds


Preparation and use

Buds of birch pour milk, wrap in gauze and cook for 5 minutes. Periodically lubricate herpetic eruptions with this remedy.

Restorative tea


Preparation and use

Camomile pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew, add a tincture of propolis. Drink twice a day for 3-4 days.

Attention! Herpes is easily transmitted by contact and through household items. In order to prevent contamination with the virus, it is necessary to comply with sanitary and hygienic rules, use only personal hygiene items. It is also important to be cautious when dealing with people who have herpetic rashes. Determining the importance in preventing relapses of the disease has a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and sufficient stay in the fresh air.