Nasal edema

Due to various factors, the blood vessels in the mucous membranes of the maxillary sinuses begin to expand, and the tissues - to fill with lymph. This condition provokes swelling of the nose, which significantly hinders normal breathing, and hence, oxygen access to the brain. Therefore, do not ignore this problem, it is better to immediately try to eliminate it.

Edema in the nose - causes

Factors that cause the appearance of the pathology in question are not that many:

You can find out the cause yourself. A strong edema of the nasal mucosa without a runny nose is characteristic of the first three mentioned factors. When symptoms such as sneezing, sore throat, fever and abundant discharge from the nose, there is a smear to talk about the inflammatory process due to bacterial or viral infection. Less often, this clinical picture is accompanied by an allergic edema of the nose due to ingestion of antigens (household and construction dust, animal hair, chemicals).

Edema in the nose - treatment

Only after finding out the exact diagnosis can one begin to treat the described problem.

Edema of the sinuses of the nose due to its mechanical damage must be eliminated with the help of cold compresses and vasoconstrictive drugs. It is important to observe the otolaryngologist, because bruises and fractures often require skilled care, and sometimes surgical intervention.

The curvature of the septum or neoplasm in the nose is not subject to independent treatment. The doctor will either develop a comprehensive scheme of medical and physiotherapy, or recommend an operation to resolve the problem.

If the nose swells due to hypothermia, colds or flu, it is important to take the following measures:

  1. Rinse the nasal sinuses with a solution of sea salt and 2-3 drops of alcoholic iodine tincture.
  2. Bury into each nostril vasoconstrictor drugs. It is advisable to continue this treatment for no more than 7 days, since the drug may become addictive.
  3. Use local antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ointments.
  4. Take high dosages of vitamin C or eat 1 lemon daily.
  5. Increase the amount of warm drink with diuretic effect ( green tea , chamomile, lime infusion, broth of wild rose).
  6. Do inhalation for the nose with the use of medicinal herbs or essential oils ( eucalyptus , mint, tea tree, lavender).
  7. Apply a hot boiled egg to the nose to warm up the sinuses.

In case the symptoms only increase, it is better to seek professional advice from a polyclinic.

Nasal edema due to allergies requires the use of antihistamines, both local and systemic, in conjunction with anti-inflammatory drugs. During therapy, it is important to exclude any contact with possible allergens and take a course of vitamins.

Pregnant women often have a significant swelling of the nose without a runny nose. This is due to the increase in the hormone prolactin and is absolutely normal. It should be remembered that this problem is temporary and usually goes on its own for several days. You should consult a doctor if you have additional symptoms - a runny nose, cough, fever or fever.