Dystonia of cerebral vessels

Normal operation of the central nervous system directly depends on the proper circulation. The dystonia of the cerebral vessels is a symptomatic complex that arises from a deficiency of oxygen and a lack of nutrients in the tissues and cells of the organ. This is due to the narrowing of the lumen of the vessels under the influence of many unfavorable factors (stress, trauma, hormonal imbalance, intoxication and other diseases).

Symptoms of the dystonia of the cerebral vessels

General clinical manifestations of pathology:

There are also additional signs that are specific to a particular type of disease.

At a dystonia of vessels of a brain on a hypertonic type are marked:

For the disease, hypotonic type is characterized by depression and severely reduced blood pressure.

A mixed form of dystonia combines all of these symptoms.

Treatment of dystonia of cerebral vessels

Therapy consists of an integrated approach that combines:

Treatment of the dystonia of cerebral vessels by folk remedies

To select recipes from alternative medicine is necessary only with the consent of the doctor and after establishing the form of dystonia. In general strengthening purposes, such drugs are recommended: